Award-Winning Book is adapted into a family musical and is performed in Montclair, N.J. For Holidays.
Paper Candles: How Courage and Goodness Triumphed in an American Town recounts the unforgettable true story of events that occurred in Billings, Montana, when a group of bigots targeted the town's tiny Jewish population for acts of hate during the 1993 Christmas and Hanukkah season. Inspired by the 1943 rescue of the Danish Jews by their Christian fellow citizens in Nazi occupied Denmark, town residents of all colors and religions came together to take a stand in a way that has become a model for communities across the nation. This uplifting musical play, which celebrates community, courage and the true meaning of the holiday season, has entertained and profoundly affected audiences of all ages. December will mark the 15th anniversary of the events in Billings, which have inspired people across America to take action against bigotry and injustice in their own towns. These acts of courage ultimately resulted in the Not In Our Town (NIOT) movement, encompassing communities from coast to coast.Videos