Directed by Brett Marston. This is the love story of Ethel and Norman Thayer, who are returning to their summer home on Golden Pond for the forty-eighth year. He is a retired professor, nearing eighty, with heart palpitations and a failing memorybut still as tart-tongued, observant and eager for life as ever. Ethel, ten years younger, and the perfect foil for Norman, delights in all the small things that have enriched and continue to enrich their long life together. They are visited by their divorced, middle-aged daughter and her dentist fianc, who then go off to Europe, leaving his teenage son behind for the summer. The boy quickly becomes the "grandchild" the elderly couple have longed for, and as Norman revels in taking his ward fishing and thrusting good books at him, he also learns some lessons about modern teenage awarenessand slangin return. In the end, as the summer wanes, so does their brief idyll, and in the final, deeply moving moments of the play, Norman and Ethel are brought even closer together by the incidence of a mild heart attack. Time, they know, is now against them, but the years have been good and, perhaps, another summer on Golden Pond still awaits.Players:Victor CaroliHollis GalmanDede Tucker BrownleeJoe LogrippoKeith GahaganJay CarmonaMarch 12,13,18,19,20,25,26,27 April 2 & 3 - Showtime 7:30pmSunday Matinees - March 14,21,28, & April 4th Showtime 3pmPlease arrive no later then 10-15 minutes prior to showtime. Temp check at the door and face covering required. Social distance seating provide. Tickets are limited due to CDC guidelines. Get your tickets in advance online or call 239.398.9192
Music & Arts Community Center (1/29 - 2/8) | ||
The Buddy Holly Story
Broadway Palm (12/31 - 2/15) | ||
C.S. Lewis' The Screwtape Letters
Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall (2/6 - 2/6) | ||
Broadway Palm Dinner Theatre (1/26 - 1/27) | ||
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