This Internationally-acclaimed comedy brings together two sets of Brooklyn parents after a playground altercation between their eleven-year-old boys. Though the meeting to resolve the matter begins with polite pleasantries, it quickly descends into primal madness as tempers flare, loyalties shift and the parents devolve into children. Don't miss this comedy of manners (without the manners!) that both strikes a chord and hits a funny bone all in one fell swoop!
Another Night Before Christmas
Broadway Palm (11/28 - 12/25) | ||
The Buddy Holly Story
Broadway Palm (12/31 - 2/15) | ||
Sleeping Beauty by Tchaikovsky, performed by Gulfshore Ballet
Wang Opera Center (3/15 - 3/15) | ||
Funny Girl
Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Center (1/21 - 1/26) | ||
La bohème by Puccini
Cambier Park (3/6 - 3/8) | ||
Ken Ludwig's Lend me a Tenor
The Studio Players (3/28 - 4/13) | ||
A Christmas Carol
Broadway Palm (11/22 - 12/25) | ||
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