Oscar Wildes relevant classic comedy revolves around blackmail and political corruption in late 19th-century England, while delivering endless laughs. When Mrs. Cheveley (Jamielynn Bucci) arrives in London, she brings only chaos and upheaval with her. She quickly corners Sir Robert Chiltern (Peter McClug) by revealing a past indiscretion. Robert is desperate to keep up appearances when he realizes that his professional reputation is at stake as well as his marriage to Lady Gertrude Chiltern (Tina Moroni); who holds him to impossibly high standards. Roberts trusted friend, Lord Goring (Mark Vanagas) attempts to assist the Chilterns only to complicate matters further...Sponsored locally by Stock Development, An Ideal Husband was originally set to take the stage at the Sugden Community Theatre in 2020. The Naples Players was forced to reschedule it when the theatre closed last March in response to COVID-19.
Ages: Teens & Adults
Boy from the Block 66
Arts Bonita (1/30 - 2/2) | ||
The Laboratory Theater of Florida (12/28 - 12/30) | ||
The Nutcracker with Gulfshore Ballet
Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall (12/21 - 12/21) | ||
Death of a Salesman
The Naples Players (2/5 - 3/2) | ||
La bohème by Puccini
Cambier Park (3/6 - 3/8) | ||
Les Miserables
Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Center (4/15 - 4/20) | ||
Another Night Before Christmas
Broadway Palm (11/28 - 12/25) | ||
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