The sessions are open to students of all skill levels, ages 7 – 18, and run daily from 9 AM – 4 PM over a two-week period.
This summer, young artists are invited to discover the world of theatre through musical-intensive camps offered through Florida Rep's education program. The sessions are open to students of all skill levels, ages 7 - 18, and run daily from 9 AM - 4 PM over a two-week period. The camp fee is $440 per child per session; sibling discounts are available upon request. To register call 239-219-1552 or visit FloridaRepEducation.Org/summer-intensives.
The theatre camps feature Broadway Junior musical titles and give students the opportunity to work with theatre professionals to develop their acting, singing, and dance skills on a professional stage. At the conclusion of each session, students will have the opportunity to perform the show - complete with costumes, sets, and lighting - in the Historic Arcade Theatre.
Program enrollment is limited; openings remain for:
There are also opportunities for students ages fifteen to eighteen to serve as junior teaching assistants (JTAs) at the camps. These youth leaders assist head teaching artists during the two-week sessions. An application may be found at FloridaRepEducation.Org/summer-intensives