A true-life storytelling show written and performed by Laila Lee, directed by Bill Pats. In this one-woman show, Laila brings to light her experiences growing up Muslim in the American South, and how she discovers her own place in the world and what sacrifices she must make.
Laila Lee is a performer hailing from Tampa, Florida. Laila and Bill came upon each other's work at Shameless Stories, Tampa, where the pair began working together on The Light Bringer.
Laila Lee moved to the United States from Saudia Arabia at eight years old. Laila studied theatre at the University of South Florida while obtaining a Pre-Medical Degree, receiving a BA in Theatre and a BS in Biology. Leaving the medical path behind, Laila has worked with numerous Tampa Bay professional theatre companies, including Ghostlight Theatre, for which Laila performed in All in a Day's Work and Inappropriately Funny Moments, and wrote and performed "Dear Aunt Flow" in Stories and Stilettos. Her favorite acting credits include Leonora in Gorilla Theatre's production of The Long Christmas Dinner, Zerbinette in Hat Trick's production of Scapin, and Peggy in Eckerd Theatre's production of The Hundred Dresses. A natural storyteller, she won Most Courageous at Shameless Stories in Tampa and the Jenny Award for "Telling it Like it is," in Winnipeg, Canada.
Bill Pat's experience in deeply personal comedies combined with a rich tapestry of design and Laila Lee's theatre background to evoke the two very different cultures from which Laila emerges today - the Middle East and Florida. One place, a land of deserts, banks, and the Kingdom Tower, the other full of lush flora, McDonald's, and the Magic Kingdom. They're both hot. They both have palm trees. And they both are war torn, just in different ways. A native to Winnipeg, Bill has been known for his Fringe shows since he debuted I Hate Bill Pats in 2014. Since then, he has self-produced his own personal storytelling shows and dramas, including the Rintoul Award Winning Executing Justice, and last year's sell-out production A Nightmare on East Hastings. His work is largely known to be deeply personal and hitting hard on important social issues.
Storytelling is one of the most compelling and captivating genres that draws people to experience someone's story unfold on stage. Life is stranger than fiction, especially when it examines the overwhelming themes of immigration, family dynamics, and desire for harmony between an old world and a new one whilst attaining "the American dream" in the backdrop of many political, religious, and global issues. The Light Bringer is a timely piece that explores such themes, proving to be one of the most powerful stories in the fringe festival.