Broadway Palm is welcoming the holiday season with A Wonderful Life playing November 26 through December 26, 2015. This heartwarming production is a musical adaptation of the classic holiday film It's A Wonderful Life by Frank Capra. Bring the entire family for an uplifting tale that is brought to vibrant theatrical life and celebrates the kindness in all of us.
The story of George Bailey and his wonderful life remains a timeless story of dreams, cynicism and the power of love that exhilarates the mind and heart. The setting is Bedford Falls, New York and it is Christmas Eve. A hopeless and frustrated George Bailey is at the end of his rope. Lucky for him, Clarence, angel second class, is sent to Earth with the chance to earn his wings if he can save George. Clarence takes George on a journey to show him all of the lives he has bettered and just how miserable Bedford Falls would be without him. Remember, "every time a bell rings, an angel gets his wings!"
Bring the whole family for the uplifting musical A Wonderful Life, playing November 26 through December 26, 2015. Performances are Tuesday through Sunday evenings with selected matinees. Ticket prices range from $39 to $62 with discounts for children and groups of 20 or more. Broadway Palm is the perfect setting for holiday parties and family gatherings. Tickets are now on sale and can be reserved by calling (239) 278-4422, by visiting or by stopping by the box office at 1380 Colonial Boulevard in Fort Myers.