Florida Repertory Theatre Education's conservatory production of MATILDA, directed by Christina DeCarlo, tells the story of a strong, smart young girl who is determined to make things right.
Mia Zottolo plays Matilda Wormwood, and I thought she was fantastic. She exemplified Matilda's strength, determination, and creativity perfectly while also showing the longing Matilda has to be loved by a family. She captivated the audience and taught them sometimes it's okay to be a bit "Naughty" to start a revolt and make necessary changes in the world.
Miss Honey is played by Katie Means, and Miss Trunchbull is played by Nathan Ross. Means did a beautiful job portraying the timid but kind Miss Honey, who forms a bond with Matilda and takes her under her wing. Ross's performance of Agatha Trunchbull was hilarious. Though Trunchbull is one of the villains of this story, you can't help but laugh at some of the ridiculous and overly-dramatic things she says and does, and Ross did an incredible job bringing this character to life.
Mr. Wormwood is played by Chance Cintron, Mrs. Wormwood by Sophie Hagan, and Michael Wormwood by Michael Shelley. Though it's sometimes tough as an audience member to witness Matilda's family treat her so terribly, I thought these actors all were excellent in their portrayal of their characters.
The rest of the cast and crew did a phenomenal job making this show the inspiring, energetic, and fun production it is. It is always incredible to see the talent these students have in every single Florida Rep Education show. From the musical numbers "Miracle" to "When I Grow Up" to "Revolting Children" and everything in between, they were all so very good. I also have to credit Musical Director Carolann Sanita and Choreographer Kayley Jayne Stevens for working with these kids alongside Director Christina DeCarlo and producing such a great show.
MATILDA is playing now through October 19 at Florida Repertory Theatre. Tickets for students are just $10, and adult tickets are $25-30. To get your tickets, visit https://tickets.floridarep.org/TheatreManager/1/login?event=1491 or call Florida Rep at 239-332-4488, or stop by the box office at 2268 Bay Street, Fort Myers, FL, 33901.
Photo Credit: Joe Dafeldecker