HER VOICE IS UNDENIABLE. HER FIRE IS UNSTOPPABLE. HER TRIUMPH IS UNLIKE ANY OTHER. This musical reveals a comeback story like no other, of a ...
« ...Impressionnant, beau, envoûtant, émouvant, très original, magistralement mené et merveilleusement interprété, le conte fascine et bouleverse. Les enfants comme les adultes. On ne saurait ...
Frank comes home. He trips over his wife’s shoes, surprised and annoyed by the general untidiness of the flat and cigarette ashes lying around in ...
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Nominations for the BroadwayWorld France Awards are accepted each year from October 1st through October 31st. You can find the latest information on the Regional Awards here.
Voting for the BroadwayWorld France Awards opens beginning sometime in November and closes December 31st. Sign up for our newsletter to be notified by email when voting opens for France. You can find the latest information on the Regional Awards here.
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