Exploration of the body in space, everyday events icts, icts political implications ... altho the body in space is a key issue for Any choreographer, it is a topic of debate PARTICULARLY in the case of Robyn Orlin, Especially in the African context. For this show, the South-African choreographer join force with the École des Sables founded by Germaine Acogny in 1998 in Dakar, a hub for dance That HAS endeavoured for Nearly 15 years To Develop new choreographic practices on African territory.
Was continent where, According To Robyn Orlin, very little is Said about the body, Despite The trials and tribulations Many Undergo it must, it is essential to bring it out of the private sphere and place it front of course. The body presents an Often violent platform for debate on standards of beauty and ugliness, perfection and imperfection. As soon as violence surfaces, the body is devalued, Regarded as "simply Reviews another body." Africa aussi a target for Western debates on the body, All which tends to associate it with physical illness, or disease: such as famine, or divergent codes of beauty.
The dance performance Reveals Mechanisms thesis at work and re-Evaluates the body, liberating it and Attempting to encourage Reviews another stance, to circumvent, bypass and deviate us from our preconceptions. For this show, Robyn Orlin sets out to work with the dancers Themselves, the way in Which They apprehend Their own bodies, to try and explore possibilities icts. It is a way of Placing the body at the heart of the debate, questioning the Pressures to All which it is Subjected in today's world.
Madbestilling - Den Danske Rom & Whisky Festival 2025 - LØRDAG
Alhedehallerne (11/8 - 11/8) | ||
Niina Hosiasluoma: Jokiäyriäinen ja simpukka
Valvenäyttämö, Valve (2/15 - 2/15) | ||
Mila Nirhamo: Hannahin pieni teatteri
Pop-up Klonkka (2/16 - 2/16) | ||
Foredrag med Manu Sareen: At leve med ADHD og Autisme.
Via University College (6/17 - 6/17) | ||
Garness (Release-turné RESTART)
Bondens Hage (3/14 - 3/14) | ||
COMEDIE SAINT-MICHEL (1/19 - 3/2) | ||
Iso-Heikkilän isäntä ja hänen renkinsä Kalle (ennakko)
VARKAUDEN TEATTERI (2/7 - 2/7) | ||
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