Echoing the Tricentennial celebrated in 2013, the school of dance continues its journey through the history of the choreographic style of the French school of dance. Concerto in d, created by Claude Bessy in 1977 for the first show of the school of dance, she led from 1973 to 2004, and brings on stage the whole students, the Danish August Bournonville romanticism, crossed Italian colors, with the six and the tarantella Napoli; Scaramouche, created in 2005 by the dancer star José Martínez for the young students of the school, which revives the pantomime of the Commedia dell'arte, to the shores of the neoclassicism of John Neumeier with Yondering.
Alongside the annual demonstrations that give an overview of the wealth of education, this season show enables the public to appreciate the excellence of the French school of dance whose learning is transmitted, evolves and endures for centuries.