Attend the tale of Sweeney Todd, an unjustly exiled barber who returns to nineteenth century London, seeking vengeance against the lecherous judge who framed him and ravaged his young wife.
The road to revenge leads Sweeney Todd to Mrs. Lovett, a resourceful proprietress of a failing pie shop, above which he opens a new barber practice. Mrs. Lovett's luck sharply shifts when Todd's thirst for blood inspires the addition of a new ingredient into her meat pies that has the people of London lining up... and the carnage has only just begun! 4
Sweeney Todd has become a worldwide success since being awarded eight Tonys (including Best Musical), for its Broadway premiere. Sondheim and Wheeler's tasty, thrilling, theatrical treat continues to shock, awe and delight audiences around the world.
Tickets: $33 Adults; $28 Seniors; $20 Age 23 and under. Buy Online at Or CALL (260) 424-5220. Box Office Hours Monday-Friday Noon to 6 PM, in the front of the Arts United Center at Arts Campus Fort Wayne, 303 E. Main Street Fort Wayne, IN.