The show, which opens at the socially distant Foellinger Outdoor Theatre, begins performances on Saturday, September 12.
The Civic Theatre will present an all-female production of 1776 with social distancing at a local outdoor theatre, WBOI NPR News reports.
The show, which opens at Foellinger Outdoor Theatre, begins performances on Saturday, September 12. Cast and audience members will all be masked.
The production is directed by Leslie Beauchamp to salute the 100th anniversary of the 19th amendment.
Following the matinee performance on Sunday, September 13, there will be a free panel discussion about suffragettes and women in politics.
Foellinger Outdoor Theatre is located in Franke Park at 3411 Sherman Boulevard in Fort Wayne.
Read the full story HERE.
The Fort Wayne Civic Theatre is one of the longest standing downtown entertainment destinations. We have a proud history of our vision, mission and values that drive our organization.
a??Our Vision - To be the regional leader in live theatre experiences through artistic excellence and innovation.a??
Our Mission - Fort Wayne Civic Theatre entertains, educates, inspires, and enriches the community through exceptional live theatre experiences.
Our Values - In pursuit of our vision and mission we:
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