Performances run 12-23 September.
Norm Play comes to Tampereen Teatteri in September. Performances run 12-23 September.
"It is safe to conform to the norms. But what if you can't?"
The norm play deals with the norms of gender and sexuality. The show's four actors play forty roles, and the show is as unrestrained and extravagant as nature itself.
A standard play is a refreshing change of perspective that eases unfocused fatigue and pain: you once again stepped over an invisible border, and something went wrong, even if you had just stood still.
What do they think you should be like? What it is like?
How do you think life should go? How's it going?
Text Marjo Niemi
Director Anna Veijalainen
Actors Cécile Orblin, Petriikka Pohjanheimo, Cristal Snow, Eric Barco
Production KokoTeatteri