Big Fish is a heartwarming musical that revolves around the extraordinary tales of Edward Bloom, a charismatic storyteller. As his son, Will, tries to separate fact from fiction, audiences are taken on a magical journey filled with larger-than-life adventures, epic romances, and a celebration of the power of storytelling and the bonds of family. With memorable music and captivating characters, "Big Fish" explores the beauty of imagination and the importance of embracing life's fantastical moments. It's a musical that reminds us that sometimes the biggest stories are the ones that bring us closer to those we love.
Barnesville Performing Arts Center is at 302 3rd St SE, Barnesville, MN.
The Lightning Thief: The Percy Jackson Musical (11/14/24-11/17/24)
Finding Nemo Jr. (3/10/23-3/12/23)
Back to the 80's (11/17/22-11/20/22)