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LORT Non-Rep
$600/week minimum (theatre paying $750-$1200)
NY auditions to be held 9/18, by appointment only
Seeking submissions from AEA members only for these appointments for the role of TOBIAS only.
The AEA member must submit him/herself directly in order to be considered.
see breakdown
Other Dates
1st rehearsal 10/13
Opens: 11/28
Closes: 12/13
Submit ASAP
Indicate in subject line: TOBIAS SUBMISSION / AEA
James Bundy, Artistic Director
Jennifer Kiger, Associate Artistic Director
Amy Boratko, Literary Manager
Kay Perdue, Artistic Associate
Benjamin Fainstein, Artistic Coordinator
A World Premiere Play By Branden Jacobs-Jenkins
Directed by Lileana Blain-Cruz
30s, European German with a serviceable grasp of the English language. He is one-quarter black but if you saw him on the street you might easily mistake him for Italian or Turkish or Czech or something else vaguely ethnic. He works retail, is married with two children, and is overburdened and exasperated with the amount of responsibility in his life - which includes taking care of his mother and her deteriorating health. Possible anger management issues, which become very apparent in moments of frustration - to the point of frightening - but underneath it all there's likely a gentle, bruised, boyish tenderness, which comes out especially when he's been drinking. Physically imposing.