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THE ACTING COMPANY 2024-25 SEASON Equity Principal Actors - The Acting Company Auditions

Posted August 20, 2024
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THE ACTING COMPANY 2024-25 SEASON - The Acting Company


The Acting Company | New York, NY


Wednesday, August 28, 2024
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM (E)
BREAK: 1:30 PM - 2:30 PM


$769 weekly minimum (2024) increasing to $799 December 31st, 2024. (LOA ref. LORT)


Equity actors for roles in The Acting Company's 2024-25 season (see breakdown). All roles will be understudied.


Please prepare two brief, contrasting monologues: one with heightened language and one contemporary. At least one should be comedic. Also, bring your headshot and resume stapled together.


Pearl Studios (519)
519 8th Ave
12th Fl
New York, NY 10018
Holding: Studio G


See breakdown for production specific personnel.

Artistic Director, The Acting Company: Kent Gash
Producing Director, The Acting Company: Devin Brain
Casting: Murnane Casting, Amber Snead, CSA; Chad Eric Murnane, CSA


Rehearsals: November 5-27, 2024 (The Comedy of Errors); December 3-29, 2024 (Two Trains Running)
Thanksgiving Break: November 28 - December 2, 2024
Holiday Break: December 22-26, 2024
Tech/Previews: January 2-17, 2025
Open (Rubicon Theatre in Ventura, CA): January 18, 2025
Week Off: April 7-13, 2025
Close (American Conservatory Theater in San Francisco, CA): May 4, 2025


EPA procedures are in effect for this audition. An Equity Monitor will be provided.
Notice: Audition Call Type: EPA




Director: Lili-Anne Brown
Playwright: August Wilson
Casting Directors, Murnane Casting: Amber Snead, CSA & Chad Eric Murnane, CSA
Casting Associate, Murnane Casting: Nate Riccio


Director: Devin Brain
Playwright: William Shakespeare
Modern Translation: Christina Anderson
Dramaturg: Martine Greene-Rogers
Movement & Fights: Orlando Pabotoy
Casting Directors, Murnane Casting: Amber Snead, CSA & Chad Eric Murnane, CSA
Casting Associate, Murnane Casting: Nate Riccio


NOTE: All roles will be doubled as both plays will run in rep on tour.


To play Memphis Lee in Two Trains Running and Clown 7 (Dr. Pinch) in The Comedy of Errors.

[MEMPHIS LEE] Male identifying character, 50s-60s, Black. Self-made businessman who has seen his share of injustice and discrimination and has managed a small piece of success. His restaurant is the backbone of the community. Memphis has a hard time balancing his hopes and dreams with his well-earned cynicism; juggling the injustices in life has made him a little rough around the edges; exacting and unyielding, he has a sense of determination that cannot be abated; though talkative, opinionated, and a bit judgmental, he only takes what he's owed and treats people right, as best he can.

[CLOWN SEVEN (Doctor Pinch)/As Cast] Bombastic, bold, and brilliant… this is a personality that conquers every room it walks into, full to the brim with wise sayings and erudite questions that he doesn’t come close to understanding. He is the most courageous of cowards, the wisest of fools, and the most learned idiot.


To play Risa Thomas in Two Trains Running and Clown 5 (Adriana) in The Comedy of Errors.

[RISA (CLARISSA) THOMAS] Female identifying character, 20s-30s, Black. A young woman who works for Memphis in his restaurant and deftly, if not quietly, navigates all the men who frequent the diner; she has a quiet control of herself, her body, and her womanhood, but her need not to be defined by the standards of men and their desires has driven her to permanently scar herself; she cares for the men in the restaurant and has a particular softness for Hambone; even in these moments of vulnerability, kindness, and sensuality, however, she maintains a certain level of autonomy in a world which tries to determine her life for her.

[CLOWN FIVE (Adriana + others)] Bold and attractive, this Clown knows what she wants and she pursues those desires with all caution thrown to the wind. Her love can be jealous, but only because it burns hot and at her core she lifts up those around her. She is the leader of every committee, the belle of every ball, and hasn't yet met a wall she couldn't push through.


To play Sterling Johnson in Two Trains Running and Clown 3 (Antipholus of Syracuse) in The Comedy of Errors.

[STERLING JOHNSON] Male identifying character, 30s, Black. Recently released from prison for a bank robbery, Sterling is a complex man whose difficult and poverty-stricken upbringing has created in him a dark sense of entitlement; he believes that the world owes him better than what he got and the only way to get it is to take it. Sterling, like everyone else, is seeking a way to take control of his life and his unbalanced logic often gets him into trouble. He does, however, have a deep sense of justice and injustice, and a clear need to protect those he sees as more vulnerable than him. He is willing to put himself on the line for others he deems worthy. Sterling sees the inner beauty that lies beneath Risa’s scars and begins a romantic relationship with her. He also recognizes that Hambone’s sense of purpose makes him “lucky.”

[CLOWN THREE (Antipholus of Syracuse + others)] Attractive, charming, this Clown is a lover - absurd in the depths of his passion for all the loves of his life large and small, vain at times and yet utterly authentic and heartbreaking at others. This is someone that has walked the world looking for his other half… and not yet found it.


To play Holloway (and Memphis U/S) in Two Trains Running and U/S Clown 3/Clown 4/Clown 5 in The Comedy of Errors.

[HOLLOWAY] Male identifying character, 70s. Another of Memphis’ few remaining regular customers, he is the seer and knower. He is the elder in the community and has coped all his life with the ravages of injustice. He has become a humanistic sage, merely by his longevity. He is a keen observer of the other characters and the economic system that holds them in bondage.


To play Wolf (and Holloway U/S) in Two Trains Running and Clown 1 (Dromio of Syracuse) in The Comedy of Errors.

[WOLF] Male identifying character, 20s-30s, Black. One of Memphis’ customers, and a slick numbers runner. He is a roving peddler of dreams; his illegal trade allows a few fortunate winners to purchase coveted material goods. He’s popular in the community, and although he relishes the reputation his occupation fosters, he is disappointed in love: His relationships with women are complicated and may be fabricated. He carries all the anxieties with him that any number’s runner would, as he is always either the bearer of the best or worst news.

[CLOWN ONE (Dromio of Syracuse + others)] Clever in the most foolish of ways, almost as eager to make those around him laugh as he is to devour everything that is set before him, this is a trickster hunting for his next high… be that fun or food. Sly, but with the most golden of hearts. An idiot, but only because he leads with his hope and his heart.


To play West in Two Trains Running and U/S Clown 1/Clown 2/Clown 6 in The Comedy of Errors.

[WEST] Male identifying character, 60s, Black. A complicated, wealthy funeral director who has gained his wealth, one could argue, at the expense of others; the people in the community both respect him and are critical of his choices; on one hand, he does a great deal of good for people in their worst moments – treating them with a polite respect; on the other hand, he is a clear hustler who attempts to conduct shady business deals with Memphis and is accused of cutting corners and fabricating fees to line his own pockets; it is remarked that his greed could be motivated by the grief of losing his wife.


To play Hambone in Two Trains Running and Clown 2 (Dromio of Ephesus) in The Comedy of Errors.

[HAMBONE] Male identifying character, late 40s, Black. A man whose encounter with the injustices of the world has rendered his mind into a deteriorated state; despite this, he takes care of himself, as he has no known family; his persistence in the face of opposition is rivaled by none of the other characters and it is this simple, direct, and keen sense of what is right and wrong, coupled with his willingness to work for what he is owed, that makes him a central and important figure in the lives of those around him.

[CLOWN TWO (Dromio of Ephesus + others)] Foolish in the cleverest of ways, almost as eager to devour all that is set before him as he is to make those around him laugh, this is a trickster always hunting for his next high… be that food or fun. A golden heart, but with the slyest of wits. An idiot, but only because he leads with his heart and his hope.


To play Clown 4 (Antipholus of Ephesus) in The Comedy of Errors and U/S West/Sterling/Wolf/Hambone in Two Trains Running.

[CLOWN FOUR (Antipholus of Ephesus + others)] Attractive, charming, this Clown is a lover - absurd in the depths of his passion and blind to everything outside of his own desires. Arrogant at times, callous at others, and yet at the core is someone longing for the other part of himself, a part he doesn’t even know is real.


To play Clown 6 (Luciana) in The Comedy of Errors and U/S Risa in Two Trains Running.

[CLOWN SIX (Luciana + others)] Quietly brilliant, this Clown listens before she acts. She is the clever confidant, waiting for her chance to leap into the spotlight because she sees the truth in the world around her and is eager to embrace it. Her heart is open so wide that sometimes it threatens to trip her.

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