Theatrical Outfit, Inc.
SPT $523 weekly minimum (SPT 6)
Equity actors and singers for roles in Theatrical Outfit's 2022-23 Season (see breakdown).
Performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities are encouraged to submit auditions.
SEE PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS IN BREAKDOWN. Please send your headshot/resume and video submission link (Vimeo, YouTube, or any other online video hosting software). Include the link, a password (if private), and any additional instructions. Please do not email video files as attachments, or download links to Dropbox, etc. Indicate whether you are a local hire in Atlanta, and write a short paragraph with any additional information you’d like us to know.
Deadline: Tue, Apr 12, 2022
Viewing auditions:
Associate Artistic Director, Addae Moon
Artistic Director / Director, Matt Torney
See production specific dates in breakdown.
Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to submit.
SEASON 22/23
FLEX! by Candrice Jones
Directed by TBD
First Rehearsal: August 16th, 2022
Previews: September 7th, 2022
Opening: September 9th, 2022
Closing: October 2nd, 2022
SETTING: A powerful new play about swagger, determination and sticking together. It’s 1997 and the WNBA is changing the game. Every player on Plainnole’s Lady Train high school basketball team now dreams of going pro — but first, they’ll have to navigate the pressures of being young, black and female in rural Arkansas.
Note: Actors with basketball skills, or strong athletic/physical abilities are encouraged to submit.
STARRA JONES: Character is 17 years old, African American girl, point guard.
SIDNEY BROWN: Character is 17 years old, African American girl, shooting guard.
CHERISE HOWARD: Character is 17 years old, African American girl, power forward.
APRIL JENKINS: Character is 17 years old, African American girl, shooting guard.
DONNA CUNNINGHAM: Character is 17 years old, African American girl, center.
COACH FRANCINE PACE: Character is 45 years old, African American woman, coach.
THE WHITE CHIP, by Sean Daniels
Directed by TBD
First Rehearsal: January 3rd, 2023
Previews: January 25th, 2023
Opening: January 27th, 2023
Closing: February 19th, 2023
SETTING: By the time he’s in his 30’s, Steven’s career is soaring. But sneaking a beer in high school has turned into sneaking vodka in staff meetings - and having it all turns into losing everything. A darkly funny roller coaster ride through addiction and recovery.
STEVEN: m, 30s - 40s. A theatre director who guides us through his self-destructive ride to rock bottom due to addiction, and his journey to recovery. He is naturally funny, thinks fast, and is a mixture of cocky and self-effacing. Is able to carry the play.
TRACK 1: f. 40+, Steven’s mother, a people pleaser who is also struggling from addiction and grief at the death of her husband, as well as several other roles. Strong comedic chops, with facility for accents and deft character work.
TRACK 2: m. 40+, Steven’s father, who is dying from Parkinson’s disease, and several other roles. Strong comedic chops, with facility for accents and deft character work.
TINY BEAUTIFUL THINGS, by Nia Vardalos (based on the book by Cheryl Strayed)
Directed by Amber McGinnis
First Rehearsal: March 7th, 2023
Previews: March 29th, 2023
Opening: March 31st, 2023
Closing: April 23rd, 2023
SETTING: Based on the New York Times bestselling book by Cheryl Strayed (author of Wild) and adapted by Academy Award nominee Nia Vardalos (My Big Fat Greek Wedding), Tiny Beautiful Things explores Strayed’s time as the anonymous, unpaid, advice columnist Dear Sugar.
Actors of all races/ethnicities and gender identities are encouraged to submit.
SUGAR: f, 40s. A writer who is also a married mother of two kids. She has worked hard to heal some deep wounds from her past, and is still trying to work through it. She has a realness to her, a (slightly dark) sense of humor, and a fearless ability to confront real things. Has emotional depth, real comic chops, and a strong facility for language.
LETTER WRITER #1: m, 40s-60s. Lots of different characters. A strong ensemble member who is funny and real, with a skill for language, and a strong instinct for character. This is a soulful play that is grounded in the experiences of real people, so the Letter Writers take care of true stories and are able to embody many different perspectives.
LETTER WRITER #2: f, 20s-30s. Lots of different characters. A strong ensemble member who is funny and real, with a skill for language, and a strong instinct for character. This is a soulful play that is grounded in the experiences of real people, so the Letter Writers take care of true stories and are able to embody many different perspectives.
LETTER WRITER #3: m, 20s. Lots of different characters. A strong ensemble member who is funny and real, with a skill for language, and a strong instinct for character. This is a soulful play that is grounded in the experiences of real people, so the Letter Writers take care of true stories and are able to embody many different perspectives.
THE HUMANS, by Stephen Karam
Directed by Matt Torney
First Rehearsal: May 9th, 2023
Previews: May 31st, 2023
Opening: June 2nd, 2023
Closing: June 25th, 2023
SETTING: The Humans takes a hopeful, heartbreaking, and humorous look at the decline of the American middle class, and one family’s hopes and fears. Erik Blake has brought his family from Pennsylvania to celebrate Thanksgiving at his daughter’s new apartment in the city, but as darkness falls, mysterious things start to happen and family tensions reach a boiling point.
ERIK BLAKE: m, 60’s. An Irish American man, Catholic, and set in his ways. Has a strong sense of paternal duty, but has internal struggles that he doesn’t know how to communicate to anyone. He has hurt his wife, and is desperate for her forgiveness, and feels everything that he knows is slipping away from him.
DEIDRE BLAKE: f, 60’s. The heart of the family, and devoted wife and mother to the whole Blake Clan! She has a deep value for family, duty, and tradition, and is a devout Catholic. She is struggling to keep them all together despite the feeling that things are beginning to fall apart.
BRIGID BLAKE: m, 20’s -30’s. The youngest daughter of the Blake Clan. An artist, who is trying to create a bohemian lifestyle for herself in New York City with her boyfriend, Richard. Has abandoned her Catholic faith, and wants a breakthrough in her career.
AIMEE BLAKE: m, 30’s-40’s, Erik and Deirdre’s daughter. She is a lawyer based in Philadelphia, but her successful career is being undermined by damage to both her physical and emotional health following an intense breakup. She still pines for her long-term girlfriend and is struggling to move on.
FIONA “MOMO” BLAKE: f, 80s. Erik’s mom, and grandmother to Aimee and Brigid who is living with dementia. Has times where she is present, and others where she is somewhere else. She seems to be especially troubled today, and has more extreme episodes which feel like intense visions.
RICHARD: m, 40s. (not white) A cultured and wise graduate student. He comes from an extremely wealthy family and has never experienced financial hardship. He has a broad worldview and is deeply in love with Brigid. He would like to be accepted by her family, and despite a lack of common ground, is keen to connect with them.
Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to submit.