THE SKIN OF OUR TEETH Submission - Lincoln Center Theater Auditions

Posted November 8, 2021
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THE SKIN OF OUR TEETH - Lincoln Center Theater


Lincoln Center Theater


LORT Non-Rep $1778 weekly minimum (LORT A+)


Equity actors for roles in THE SKIN OF OUR TEETH (see breakdown).

LCT is committed to diversity, equity, inclusion, and access in all areas of its structure and operations as attention to these goals makes it stronger and helps better serve the artists, staff, crew, audience, and community at large. LCT welcomes candidates who are fully committed to joining a theater that is proactively focused on diversity, equity, and inclusion. Applicants from populations underrepresented in theater and who align themselves with LCT’s values and goals are encouraged to apply.

Note: Adherence to all applicable New York State, New York City, and CDC public health and safety guidelines will be required of all employees. Actors must be fully vaccinated for Covid-19 to be considered for an offer of employment.


SEE PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS IN BREAKDOWN. Please send an email with a link to the video, a photo & resume in pdf format, and indicate if you are a member of Equity. In the subject line of the email, write your name and the role you’re auditioning for (Name / Role). DEADLINE : November 22, 2021 @ 6:00 pm EST

Deadline: Mon, Nov 22, 2021




Viewing auditions :
Casting Director: Daniel Swee & Casting Associate: Camille Hickman


1ST REHEARSAL: February 24, 2022
1ST PREVIEW: March 31, 2022
OPEN: April 25, 2022
CLOSE: June 12, 2022


This production of THE SKIN OF OUR TEETH will tell the story of a Black, American family going through apocalypse after apocalypse, over and over and over again through epochs…and the necessity and the urgency to get back up and try again.

Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to submit.



Please prepare a brief monologue no longer than 2 minutes in length.

Your audition should be filmed in front of a clean background, with no backlighting, limiting ambient noise as much as possible. If using an iPhone, the video should be shot in horizontal NOT vertical format.

Video should be posted on YouTube or Vimeo.


MR. ANTROBUS - Male. Black. L30’s - 50’s. Inventor of the wheel, the lever and the alphabet. An intellectual, but a regular fellow and a self-made man. Robust, excitable, optimistic, enthusiastic and capable of wonder, he’s someone you root for to succeed. He is also bound by certain traditional ways of viewing the world and his family, expects to get his own way at all times and gets angry when he doesn’t. Deeply inspired by books and the ideas of great thinkers throughout history. He loves his family yet is distracted by temptations.

MRS. ANTROBUS - Female. Black. L30’s - 50’s. Devoted wife and loving mother. Endlessly smart and practical and steady. Persistent and fierce defender of her family. She endures her husband’s flaws, her children’s disobedience and each crisis / natural disaster, with energy and determination to survive. Her driving force is her desire to keep her family and the home intact and stable. She’s a wise and brilliant tactician who knows she must rely on her strength to lead her family to safety. ROLE IS CAST

SABINA - Female. BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, Person of Color). L20’s - 40’s. She is both a stock character in the play: a Maid in the Antrobus household, and she is ALSO the actress who plays the character. Wildly comic and joyfully irreverent, she veers from glittering, mad optimism to deep cynicism and despair. You root for her even when she’s tearing everything apart. She breaks the 4th wall with ease and the audience loves her for it. We see her in different eras and guises: as a maid in a suburban New Jersey household; as the winner of a beauty contest in Atlantic City who has decided she will marry Mr. Antrobus; and as the survivor of a terrible war, profoundly affected by the experience.

GLADYS - Female. Black. Late teens - E 20’s. Daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Antrobus. Somewhat naive, she’s led a sheltered life, but is beginning to express a rebellious side and to make efforts to stand out regardless of how little attention is paid to her. Constantly being reprimanded by her parents to remain the innocent, well behaved, perfect young lady Mr. Antrobus thinks she is. We see her grow from a teen to a young woman.

HENRY - Male. Black. Late teens - E 20’s. Son of Mr. & Mrs. Antrobus. Rebellious, alienated, full of angst and anger, he feels completely constrained by his father and the life he leads. Although he displays evidence of remorse and moments of sweetness, he sees violence as his only way to find a life of freedom.

FORTUNE TELLER - Any gender identity. Any ethnicity. 40’s - 60’s. Vivid. Eccentric. World weary - but funny and likeable in their deep suspicion of the world. Gives advice to all and makes grand prophecies.

FITZPATRICK – Any gender identity. Any ethnicity, 30’s-50’s. A professional stage manager. Practical, organized, responsible. Highly intelligent and capable, but anxious and neurotic. Tries hard to keep it together when things don’t go as they are supposed to and when actors step outside the bounds of expected behavior. Comfortable behind the scenes, but awkward in front of an audience.

Note: Seeking actors of all ethnicities, gender identities and of many ages for the following roles, many of which will double with other roles. May also understudy roles listed above and/or understudy each other. Please note any singing and instrumental ability.

ANNOUNCER - Narrates “News Events of the World” at the beginning of Act I and Act II and sets the scene of the play. Authoritative, comforting, wry.

DINOSAUR - Family pet until they are sent out in the cold at the end of Act I. May require puppetry.

MAMMOTH - Family pet until they are sent out in the cold at the end of Act I. May require puppetry.

TELEGRAPH MESSENGER - Young parent of two sons. Polite. Hardworking. Comes to deliver a telegram from Mr. Antrobus to Mrs. Antrobus.

JUDGE MOSES – Older, possibly physically imposing, has been on this Earth for many years. One of many refugees who arrive at the Antrobus home in Act 1. Recites a short passage in Hebrew.

HOMER – Older, meditative, thoughtful. One of many refugees who arrive at the Antrobus home in Act I. Recites a small passage in ancient Greek. May sing and/or play guitar.

MUSES - Sisters who enter the Antrobus home in Act I along with the other refugees. Please note any singing abilities.

BINGO CALLER - A clear distinct voice emanating from the Bingo parlor - a slightly ominous calling out of the winning numbers.

CHAIR PUSHERS - They push rolling chairs that carry passengers along the boardwalk in Atlantic City.

CONVEENERS - Attendees of the Annual Convention of the Ancient and Honorable Order of Mammals who appear throughout Act II. They engage in all sorts of revelry despite the Fortune Teller’s warnings about what’s to come and taunt Mr. Antrobus about being domesticated and tied to his family.

BROADCAST OFFICIAL - Somewhat officious, has the exasperating task of coaxing and focusing Mr. Antrobus to prepare for his broadcast to the world.

MR. TREMAYNE - Male. A dresser for the actor playing Mr. Antrobus and one of the backstage workers called forward in Act III to replace one of the actors who is sick with food poisoning. Not used to being on stage.

HESTER - Female. Wardrobe Mistress who is called forward in Act III to replace one of the actors who is sick with food poisoning. The person in the room who can read everything in the room silently, without being noticed. Present, observant, unused to speaking publicly.

IVY - Female. Maid to the actress who plays Sabina. Shy - but piercing - she listens - she's smart - she just hasn't been asked to speak before. Her father is a Baptist minister. She is called onstage in Act III to replace one of the actors who is sick with food poisoning.

FRED BAILEY - Male. Head usher, he’s called onstage in Act III to replace one of the actors who is sick with food poisoning. Shy, sweet and friendly.

Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to submit.

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