Lexington Theatre Company
LOA Salary TBD (LOA ref COST)
Equity actors for roles in The Lexington Theatre Company's 2022 Season to include CHICAGO and THE LITTLE MERMAID (see breakdown).
SEE PREPARATION INSTRUCTIONS IN BREAKDOWN. Use the 2022 Video Audition Form at https://airtable.com/shraNEoCJKcFLI9j1 to tell us more about yourself and upload your headshot, resume and link to your audition video. Headshots must be jpg files, labeled with your name (i.e Lyndy_Smith.jpg).
Resumes must be in pdf form only, labeled with your name (i.e Lyndy_Smith.pdf). Video auditions must be edited together into one file and uploaded as a private video on YouTube or Vimeo.
Deadline: Fri, Feb 11, 2022
Disney’s The Little Mermaid
Music by Alan Menken
Lyrics by Howard Ashman and Glenn Slater
Book by Doug Wright
Director: Lyndy Franklin Smith
Choreographer: Mara Newbery Greer
Music Director: Brock Terry
Book by Fred Eb and Bob Fosse
Music by John Kander
Lyrics by Fred Eb
Director/Choreographer: Patrick O’Neill
Music Director: Brock Terry
Viewing auditions:
Lyndy Franklin Smith, Artistic Director
Jeromy Smith, Producing Director
Brock Terry, Resident Music Director
First Non-Equity Rehearsal: June 29, 2022
First Equity Rehearsal: July 4, 2022
Performances: July 14-17, 2022
First Non-Equity Rehearsal: July 20, 2022
First Equity Rehearsal: July 25, 2022
Performances: August 4-7, 2022
Performances at Lexington Opera House in Lexington, Kentucky rehearsals will be held indoors at Artworks at the Carver School.
Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to submit.
Please start with a short introduction. Tell us a little about yourself, why you’d like to be a part of the 2022 Season at The Lex and let us know about the material you’ll be performing.
Include a brief song selection (one to two minutes) in the style of any show in our season. Feel free to sing from the score of any shows on the season. Use this material to help us understand where you see yourself in one or more of the stories we’re telling this season. (Please, no a cappella selections. Singing with a pre-recorded track is just fine.)
We have provided two selections in multiple keys for your use if desired at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1BF3cEegdEaoGO4iLKvquJNVZVrMrO6GS?usp=sharing .
Please film your material in a horizontal/landscape frame. A ¾ shot is preferred for vocal selections.
Please ensure that privacy settings are such that we are enabled to view by the link only, with no need for password or additional access request.
We are seeking artists of all cultural and racial backgrounds, gender identities and disabilities for our 2022 Season. Our goal is to tell these compelling stories with a company of committed theatre artists in a supportive, inclusive and equitable environment. We have eight Equity contracts per season.
VELMA KELLY - 25-40 (Range: Alto, E3-D5). Vaudeville performer who is accused of murdering her sister and husband. Hardened by fame, she cares for no one but herself and her attempt to get away with murder. Excellent Fosse-style Dancer with a fabulous Broadway belt voice.
ROXIE HART - 20-30 (Range: Mezzo-Soprano, F3-B4). Reads and keeps up with murder trials in Chicago, and follows suit by murdering her lover, Fred Casely. She stops at nothing to render a media storm with one goal: to get away with it. Excellent Fosse-style Dancer with a fabulous Broadway belt voice.
AMOS HART - 30-50 (Range: Baritone, C3-F#4). Roxie’s faithful husband. Lies for her and tries to take the blame until he realizes that he has been two-timed by Roxie. Still in love with her, or misguided, he believes anything she says in her pursuit to get out of jail. Excellent singer who moves well.
MATRON MAMA MORTON - 30-50 (Range: Alto, F#3-Bb4). Leader of the prisoners of Cook County Jail. The total essence of corruption. Accepts bribes for favors from laundry service to making calls to lawyers. “When you’re good to Mama, Mama’s good to you.” Excellent comedienne and singer who moves well, strong Broadway belt voice.
BILLY FLYNN - 35-50 (Range: Baritone Bb2-G4). Established lawyer who hasn’t lost a woman’s case yet. Master of media manipulation who will get a girl off the hook as long as she can fork up the hefty $5,000 fee. Suave, charming singer who moves well.
MARY SUNSHINE - 25-55 (Range: Soprano or CounterTenor, Bb3-Bb5). Sob sister reporter from the Evening Star. Believes there is a little bit of good in everyone and will believe anything she is fed that matches her beliefs. Good comedian with excellent legit voice sound.
ENSEMBLE - Strong triple threats who are versed in the Fosse style and technique. “Merry Murderesses” in Cell Block Tango (Liz, Annie, June, Hunyak, Mona); Go-to-Hell Kitty; Fred Casely; Sergeant Fogarty, Martin Harrison, Court Clerk, Judge and other roles)
ARIEL - 16-25 (Strong Mix/Belter - Ab3 -Gb5). A mermaid and King Triton's youngest daughter. She is obsessed with everything about the human world, and dreams of becoming a part of life above the water. Hardheaded, naive, and emotional, but also kindhearted. Excellent singer who moves very well.
PRINCE ERIC - 20-30 (Tenor or Bari-Tenor - B2-G4). A human monarch who has no interest in taking the crown. A handsome, affable lad with a buoyant, adventurous nature. After Ariel saves his life, he becomes obsessed with finding her and hearing her voice once more. Excellent singer who moves well.
GRIMSBY - 45-65 (mostly speak-sings; C3-C4). Prince Eric's British guardian. Droll, stuffy, and constantly urging Eric towards his royal duties, specifically marriage. Comedic.
SCUTTLE - 25-40 (Tenor, C3-G4). A disheveled seagull and expert in human artifacts. Loudmouthed, optimistic, and a bit ignorant, despite his supposed expertise. Excellent comedian, strong singer and dancer. Tap dancing a plus.
KING TRITON - 35-45 (Baritone Ab2-F4). King of the Sea and Ariel's father. Beneath his imposing presence and commanding nature lurks a harried single father who will do anything to protect his daughters. The death of his wife has also given him an irrational fear of humans. Strong singer who moves well.
SEBASTIAN - 30-45 (High Tenor - C5-Bb2). A crab and advisor to King Triton. A musical virtuoso who is constantly distraught from keeping after Ariel. Despite his paranoia, he can't bring himself to stand in Ariel's way. Charismatic, strong singer who moves extremely well. Speaks with Caribbean dialect.
URSULA - 35-45 (Alto/Strong Belt Eb3-C5). The banished Sea Witch and sister of King Triton. Supposedly spurned at childhood, she will use whatever method necessary to steal the kingdom and claim it as her own. Malevolent, calculating, and deceptive. Fantastic comedienne, strong singer who moves extremely well.
CHEF LOUIS - 30-40 (Comedic Bari-Tenor Bb2-A4). The French palace chef, diabolical and violent. A culinary perfectionist with an affinity for blades, seafood in particular. Speaks with French dialect. Excellent comedian and singer, moves extremely well and comfortable with physical comedy.
ENSEMBLE - Strong singers who move well, as well as strong dancer who sing well. “Mer-Sisters” (Aquata, Andrina, Arista, Atina, Adella & Alana); Ursula’s Eels/Henchmen (Flotsam & Jetsam), as well as Sailors, Sea Creatures, Gulls, Maids, Chefs and more).
Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to submit.