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Shakespeare Theatre Company Equity Principal Actors - Shakespeare Theatre Company Auditions

Posted March 28, 2024
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Shakespeare Theatre Company - Shakespeare Theatre Company

Shakespeare Theatre Company - NYC EPA Shakespeare Theatre Company | Washington, DC

Notice: Audition Call Type: EPA


Wednesday, April 10, 2024

9:30 AM - 5:30 PM (E)

BREAK: 1:00PM - 2:00PM


LORT Non-Rep

$1,197 weekly minimum (LORT B+) Sidney Harmon Hall

$1,100 weekly minimum (LORT B) Michael R. Klein Theatre


Equity actors for roles in Shakespeare Theatre Company's 2024-25 Season (see breakdown).




Please prepare: one (1) classical monologue, preferably Shakespeare, and a contemporary monologue of your choosing. Total audition should not exceed 3 minutes. Please bring your headshot and resume stapled together.


Actors' Equity New York Audition Center 165 W 46th St

16th Fl

New York, NY 10036


Simon Godwin, Artistic Director

Susie Medak, Interim Executive Director

Danica Rodriguez, Resident Casting Director


Danica Rodriquez - Resident Casting Director


See breakdown for production-specific dates.


EPA Procedures are in effect for this audition. An Equity Monitor will be provided.

Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition.

Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions.




Written by: William Shakespeare

Directed by Simon Godwin

Performs at The Klein Theatre

1st Rehearsal: Tuesday, 8/6/2024

1st Tech: Tuesday, 9/3/2024

1st Preview: Tuesday, 9/10/2024

Opening: Friday, 9/13/2024

Closing: Sunday, 10/6/2024

1st Extension Closing: Sunday, 10/13/2024

2nd Extension Closing: Sunday, 10/20/2024

3rd Extension Closing: Sunday, 10/27/2024


[ANTIPHOLUS OF SYRACUSE] (he/him) Any ethnicity. 30s.

[ANTIPHOLUS OF EPHESUS] (he/him) Any ethnicity. 30s.

[AEGEON] (he/him) Any ethnicity. 50s+.

[ADRIANA] (she/her) Any ethnicity. 20s - 30s.

[LUCIANA] (she/her) Any ethnicity. 20s - 30s.

[DUKE SOLINUS] (he/him) Any ethnicity. 30s - 40s.

[ANGELA] (she/her) Any ethnicity. 30s – 50s.

[BALTHAZAR] (he/him) Any ethnicity. 20s - 30s.

[THAISA] (she/her) Any ethnicity. 20s - 30s.

[NELL] (she/her) Any ethnicity. 50s+.

[AEMILIA] (she/her) Any ethnicity. 50s+

[PINCH] (any gender) Any ethnicity. 30s - 50s.

[SARGEANT/OFFICER] (any gender) Any ethnicity. 20s - 30s.


Written by Joe DiPietro

Adapted from the novel by Sinclair Lewis

Directed by Christopher Ashley

Performs at Sidney Harman Hall

1st Rehearsal (in NY): Wednesday, 9/4/2024

1st Tech: Tuesday, 9/24/2024

1st Preview: Tuesday, 10/1/2024

Opening: Friday, 10/4/2024

Closing: Sunday, 10/27/2024

Extension Closing: Sunday, 11/3/2024


STORYTELLER [2] (he/him). Any ethnicity.

STORYTELLER [4] (she/her). Any ethnicity.

STORYTELLER [5] (she/her). Any ethnicity.

STORYTELLER [6] (she/her). Any ethnicity.


Produced in Association with Huntington Theatre Company

Written by Tom Stoppard

Directed by Carey Perloff

Performs at Sidney Harman Hall

1st Rehearsal: Thursday, 11/21/2024

1st Tech: Monday, 11/25/2024

1st Preview: Saturday, 11/30/2024

Opening: Wednesday, 12/4/2024

Closing: Sunday, 12/29/2024

Extension Closing: Sunday, 1/5/2025

Huntington Theatre Company Dates

1st Rehearsal: Tuesday, 8/13/2024

1st Tech: Saturday, 9/7/2024

1st Preview: Thursday, 9/12/2024

Opening: Wednesday, 9/18/2024

Closing: Sunday, 10/13/2024

CASTING NOTE: In this production, the adult cast size will be reduced down to a 15-person cast with actors required to double and triple roles.

For characters/tracks whose ages span across a wide range, we are interested in seeing actors who fall anywhere within that spectrum and could play older or younger throughout the course of the play.


[HERMANN]: Ages from his 40s through his 70s. Jewish, but converted to Catholicism. He is married to Gretl and is the father of Jacob. Ebullient patriarch. Warm, sympathetic and loving with a good sense of humor. He believes strongly in the process of assimilation and will do anything in his power to give a better life to his only son.

[LUDWIG]: Ages from his 40s through his 70s. Jewish. Husband of Eva, father of Pauli and Nellie, brother of Wilma and Hanna. He is a mathematician: clever, witty, and a true intellectual. He is Hermann's ideological opposition. Despite his strong opinions, he will put his love for his family before all else.

[ERNST/KURT]: ERNST: Protestant. A doctor. Husband of Wilma; father of Rosa and Sally. A kind, caring family man with a level head and distaste for danger and violence. KURT: Jewish. Husband of Hanna, father of Hermine. A respectfully dressed philosopher and a Marxist academic. He is a very supportive husband to Hanna and respects her need to distance herself from his political reputation.

[ROSA/HILDE]: Ages from her 30s through 60s. Jewish. Born in Vienna, moves to New York as a student and becomes a psychoanalyst. Authoritative and witty. A kind person with a ferocious temper. Despite living through a period of great historical and familial despair, she maintains that her worst moment was forgetting where she hid the afikomen as a child. HILDE: a parlor maid.

[GRETL]: Ages from her 30s through 60s. Gentile, married to Hermann. So enthusiastic and curious about her husband's Jewish culture that she is unaware of her place of privilege. She is beautiful and wants to be remembered.

[YOUNG HANNA/HERMINE]: HANNA: 18. Jewish. Younger sister of Wilma and Ludwig; wife of Kurt, mother of Hermine. She starts a bit naïve and innocent, but grows to be tough. Plays piano. HERMINE: 20s through 30s. Jewish. Daughter of Hanna and Kurt, wife of Otto and mother of Heini. Flirtatious. A good dancer. Despite her love of romance, she is very understanding of her circumstances and approaches relationships with practicality in mind.

[FRITZ/DR. OTTO/PERCY]: FRITZ: 20s. A gentile. Military officer who enters an affair with Gretl. Passionate, prideful, and cunning. OTTO: 30s. Married to Hermine, father of Heini. A charming doctor of law and economics. He is in favor of the merging of Austria and Germany as one nation; he does not mince his words. PERCY: 40s. An intelligent Englishman who extends his kindness to the family after developing a deep understanding of the danger they are in. Friendly, honest, and worrisome. RP accent.

[WILMA]: Ages from 20s through her 50s. Ludwig's sister. Married to Ernst and mother to twins Sally and Rosa. Yearns to regain the love and approval of her parents after marrying a gentile and does everything in her power to earn it.

[PAULI/ZAC/CIVILIAN]: PAULI: a young Jewish boy. Son of Ludwig and Eva. Sweet brother to Nellie. ZAC: Jewish, 30s. Caring father of Nathan, Mimi, and Bella. Balances his appreciation for tradition with his love for his hesitant wife. CIVILIAN: a powerful, intimidating, and authoritative figure; an outsider.

[JACOB/LEO]: Ages from age 10 through his 30s. Son of Hermann and Gretl. After deciding he wanted to be a soldier from a young age, he is severely wounded in World War One. This experience makes him a realist with strong opinions on government, politics, Judaism, and revolution. LEO: Ages from childhood through 20s. Jewish, with a slight British accent as he ages. Fled Austria as a young boy and has since become unaware of his family's history and devastation. He is proud of his upbringing as an Englishman while remaining empathetic. RP accent.

[EVA/NELLIE]: EVA: 30s. Self-proclaimed bad Jew. A devoted wife and mother with a quick wit, unafraid to speak her mind. NELLIE: Ages from her 20s through 40s. Jewish. The daughter of Eva and Ludwig, sister of Pauli, and mother of Leo. Educated, warm, witty, and intelligent; a socialist.

[POLDI/OLDER HANNA]: POLDI: Ages from 40-60. The family's housekeeper-cook. She is unreasonably powerful yet incredibly loyal. HANNA in her 50s: Jewish. Poised. Full of protective love for her family. Plays piano as HANNA..

[AARON/NATHAN]: AARON: in his late 20s. Jewish. Husband of Nellie, father of Leo. A working class intellectual who doesn't take himself too seriously. NATHAN: Ages from childhood through 30s. Jewish. Son of Sally and Zac. Auschwitz survivor. Mathematician. He has strong opinions and the ability to articulate them passionately and effectively. Proud of his heritage, outspoken about what he and his family have endured.

[EMILIA/OLDER EVA]: EMILIA: 80s. Jewish. A loving matriarch with a quick wit who passively resents her family's turning away from tradition. She cares deeply about the preservation of family memories and identities. EVA: in her 60s. She has faith in her and Ludwig's ability to persevere. Believes that the worst is behind them, making her immobile to the possibility of the danger to come. Proudly and defiantly Austrian, Jewish, and a mother.

[JANA/ADULT SALLY]: JANA, the family's nursemaid, tasked with caring for several children of various ages during holidays. SALLY: Ages 30s through 50s. Jewish. A devoted mother who wants what is best for her children and is forced to navigate the uncertainty of what that might be in real time. Her passion can become loud, unabashed, and frantic at times.


Written By John Kani

Directed by TBD

Performs at The Klein Theatre

1st Rehearsal: Thursday, 1/17/2025

1st Tech: Tuesday, 2/11/2025

1st Preview: Sunday, 2/16/2025

Opening: Thursday, 2/20/2025

Closing: Sunday, 3/16/2025

Extension Closing: Sunday, 3/23/2025


[JACK MORRIS] (he/him), 60s. A famous White South African actor, well known for his memorable performances in classical plays, especially Shakespearean plays. He lives alone in an apartment in Killarney in the northern suburbs of


Produced in Association with Berkeley Repertory Theatre

Written by Anton Chekov

Adapted by Conor McPherson

Directed by Simon Godwin

Performs at Sidney Harman Hall

1st Tech: Wednesday, 3/26/2025

1st Preview: Sunday, 3/30/2025

Opening: Wednesday, 4/2/2025

Closing: Sunday, 4/20/2025

Berkeley Repertory Theatre Dates

Performs at Peet’s Theatre

1st Rehearsal: Tuesday, 1/14/2025

1st Tech: Sunday, 2/9/2025

1st Preview: Friday, 2/14/2025

Opening: Wednesday, 2/19/2025

Closing: Sunday, 3/23/2025


[Aleksándr Serébryakov]: ALEXANDRE (he/him): 60s. A retired professor.

[Eléna Andréevna]: YELENA (she/her): 20s-30s. Alexandre’s second wife.

[Sófya Aleksándrovna]: SONYA (she/her): 20s. Alexandre’s daughter from his first marriage. [Maríya Voinítsky]: GRANDMAMAN (she/her): 60s+. Mother of the professor’s first wife. [Mikhaíl Ástrov]: (he/him) 40s. A doctor.

[Ílya Ílyich Telégin]: WAFFLES (he/him): 60s. An impoverished landowner, lodging with the family. [Marína Timofeevna]: (she/her) 60s+. An elderly nanny/nursemaid to the family


By Mary Shelley

Adapted and Directed by Emily Burns

Performs at The Klein Theatre

1st Rehearsal: Tuesday, 4/29/2025

1st Tech: Tuesday, 5/27/2025

1st Preview: Tuesday, 6/3/2025

Opening: Friday, 6/6/2025

Closing: Sunday, 6/29/2025

1st Extension Closing: Sunday, 7/6/2025

2nd Extension Closing: Sunday, 7/13/2025


[VICTOR]: (he/him), 20s - early 30s. Attractive and charismatic.

[ELIZABETH]: (she/her): late 20s. Plain.

[JUSTINE/ESTHER]: (she/her): late 30s. Impressive.

[CREATURE]: (he/him), 20s – 30s. Distinctive. Sounds like a terrifying monster when heard, apart from the specified lines/scene in the script.

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