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SHOW BOAT: NEW THINGS COME Equity Principal Actors - Target Margin Theater, Inc. Auditions

Posted August 14, 2024
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SHOW BOAT: NEW THINGS COME - Target Margin Theater, Inc.


Target Margin Theater, Inc. | Brooklyn, NY


Monday, August 26, 2024
10:00 AM - 6:00 PM (E)
BREAK: 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM


$651 weekly minimum (2024 rate). 2025 salary rate pending. (LOA ref. LORT)


Equity actors for roles in SHOW BOAT: NEW THINGS COME (see breakdown). No roles will be understudied. All Stage Managerial positions are currently filled. Target Margin Theater is aggressively inclusive. We are especially committed to an ethnically diverse cast. We also seek actors of all genders, sexualities, ages, physical abilities, and categories beyond what we know today!

Experience with classical drama is helpful. We are an experimental theater company and actors must be comfortable with unorthodox approaches and unusual treatment of text. We seek actors who are comfortable trying things without knowing why.

BIPOC actors of all ages are strongly encouraged to audition.


Please prepare a brief (not more than two minutes) monologue from any American play written before 1938. You do not need to sing for this audition. Please bring your headshot and resume stapled together.


Target Margin Theater
232 52nd St
Brooklyn, NY 11220
Auditions will take place in our 2nd floor studios


Director: David Herskovits
Design Team: Cha See, Dina El-Aziz, Kaye Voyce
Producer: Adam M. Kassim

David Herskovits - Artistic Director
Adam Kassim - Associate Artistic Director
Alyssa Haddad-Chin - Company & Community Manager


First rehearsal: Monday, November 25
Preview Performances begin: Thursday, January 9
Final Performance: Sunday, February 2


EPA Procedures are in effect for this audition. An Equity Monitor will be provided. Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition.

Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions.

Notice: Audition Call Type: EPA



Based on the original 1927 piece by Hammerstein and Kern now in the public domain, SHOW BOAT: NEW THINGS COME is a revised and reinvented exploration of the American musical and the white supremacism that structures the famously unresolved piece. Artists who join the project should be comfortable working with difficult material: racism, white-supremacy, etc. Cast members should have their own personal experience and response to these issues.

This will be a play with music, not a traditional musical, created collaboratively. We seek actors who are comfortable singing, though no particular training or vocal style is required, cast members will need to be willing and ready to contribute to an open and inclusive process, and to adjust to the dynamic evolution of the piece. We will experiment with the existing text and devise a play with music created by the company.

NOTE: Character descriptions are based on the original 1927 Show Boat text and will evolve through collective reimagining as our devised process unfolds.


We are seeking two actors (any gender) to join our principal ensemble. Actors will shift and share roles often, depending on the sections we choose for adaptation. As with any devised work, the shape of this will be largely determined by our collaborative process. All roles listed below will be doubled by members of the company.

  • Joe: A wise and resilient Black man who has worked all his life. Sings the song Old Man River.
  • Queenie: A Black woman who has worked all her life, a teacher and supporter of those around her.
  • Ravenal: A charming fellow; he gambles and abandons his family; but he means well.
  • Magnolia: A young woman with stars in her eyes. She becomes a mother and a performer.

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