Singers and Dancers for the ensemble in the upcoming season.
See breakdown for more info.
Prepare 16 bars of a contemporary up-tempo. Bring sheet music; accompanist provided. Some may be asked to stay and dance after all have sung. Bring dance clothes, and be prepared to dance a full combination including ballet, jazz, tap and acro.
Bring a picture and resume, stapled together.
Other Dates
Both ECC/Singers and ECC/Dancers will be held on 3/11 at Pearl 519 8th Avenue.
Auditions will be in separate rooms, with separate holding rooms for singers and dancers
NYC EPAs: 3/5 and 3/7, 10am to 6pm, at Pearl 519 8th Ave.
Attending the EPA:
Lori Berger, Associate Producing Director
Mark Fleisher, Associate Artistic Director
A representative of Telsey + Company (still TBD)
· Chorus rules are in effect.
· A monitor will be provided.
Performers of all ethnic and racial background are encouraged to attend.
Always bring your Equity Membership Card to auditions.