1st reh: June 3, 2014. Runs: June 20-29
Barney Cashman:
Barney is in his late forties the way men used to be before they discovered that hard work and exercise do not result in the same outcome. He the hard worker whose youth has slid to his beltline. A man in mid-life crisis who hears the siren song of the sexual revolution, Barney has lost one oar while rowing towards the sound. Still he rows, in circles.
Elaine Navazio:
Elaine is a bored wife in her late thirties. She practices sarcasm as an art form. Promiscuity is her escape from a life she is not enjoying.
Bobbi Michele:
Aspiring actress. Bobbi is in her late twenties, old enough so that her lack of common sense can no longer be classified as naiveté. She is so pretty, however, that you can’t help but listen.
Jeanette Fisher:
Late thirties, early forties. Jeanette is as unsuited for an extramarital affair as Barney is unpracticed. Though disillusioned with her marriage, she feels too guilty to counter her husband’s infidelity with her own.
1st reh: June 24, 2014. Runs: July 11-20
Three male comedic actors with improvisational ability, who can play numerous roles, including women. These actors must be adept at physical comedy, a range of dialect, and lightning fast delivery. This is a comic version of the Holmes story, in the same vein as The 39 Steps.
1st reh: July 8, 2014. Runs: July 25 - August 3
El Gallo (the Narrator/Bandit):
El Gallo has a rich and romantic baritone, he might be Errol Flynn with a sardonic undertone, or simply an actor submitting to play Errol Flynn who was tossed out of the first pile of submissions.
Matt (the Boy):
Late teens, a handsome youth, fine tenor
Luisa (the Girl):
Also a teen, lovely, innocent, soprano.
Hucklebee (the Boy's father):
a middle-aged character actor, an older song and dance man
Bellamy (the Girl's father):
middle-aged character actor, an older song and dance man
Henry (the Old Actor):
a parody of the thespians of old, a “tattered coat upon a stick.”
Mortimer (the man who dies - an actor, pretending to be an Indian):
a physical comic.
The Mute (who at times acts the part of the Wall):
pantomime skills.