Signups begin Aug 4, 11:45 am (EDT)
Via Submission
New York, NY 10036
Fri, Aug 11, 2023
11:50 AM to 12:00 PM (EDT)
Production (League)
$2537 weekly minimum
Equity actors for roles in HOW TO DANCE IN OHIO on Broadway (see breakdown)
We welcome performers of all races, gender identities, disabilities, and body types. In addition to performers identifying with the genders listed in the character descriptions, we actively encourage performers of all gender identities to submit for any roles as the breakdown below reflects the current draft of this continually developing new musical.
Please prepare a brief cut of a song of your choice. You may prepare a song in any style, but selections in contemporary musical theater (e.g., Songs for a New World, In the Heights, Fun Home, The Band’s Visit) and pop styles are most preferred. You also have the option to prepare a cut from the show. Links to the two possible song cuts, “TERMINALLY HUMAN” and “LIFE INTERRUPTS” are copied below. This link includes a teaching/plunk track and an accompaniment/backing track for both:
Music: Jacob Yandura
Book & Lyrics: Rebekah Greer Melocik
Director: Sammi Cannold
Choreographer: Mayte Natalio
Music Director: Lily Ling
Original Documentary: Alexandra Shiva
Autism Creative Consultant: Ava Xiao-Lin Rigelhaupt
Director of Community Engagement: Becky Leifman
Casting Director: Benton Whitley, CSA of Whitley Theatrical
General Manager: Samuel Dallas of Showtown Theatricals
Viewing submissions:
Benton Whitley, Casting Director
Micah Johnson-Levy, Associate Casting Director.
First Rehearsal: On/About October 9st, 2023
First Preview: On/About November 15th, 2023
Opening: On/About December 10th, 2023
Venue: The Belasco Theatre
Producers: Ben Holtzman, Sammy Lopez & Fiona Howe Rudin of P3 Productions and Level Forward
An Equity Monitor will not be provided. The producer will run all aspects of audition.
Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition.
Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions.
SYNOPSIS: How to Dance in Ohio is a heart-filled new musical that explores what it means to belong, the courage it takes to put yourself out in the world, and the universal need to connect. Based on Alexandra Shiva's award-winning HBO documentary, the musical follows the challenges and triumphs faced by a group of seven autistic young adults at a counseling center in Columbus, Ohio. With the support of clinical psychologist Dr. Emilio Amigo, the center arranges a spring formal dance, and encourages them as they encounter love, fear, stress, excitement, and hope along the path to human connection.
How to Dance in Ohio is in development and the neurotypical (not autistic) members of our team are committed to learning from, with, and creating alongside autistic and disabled artists as the piece develops. We look forward to collaborating both with our autistic creative team members and with autistic performers coming aboard via this process.
In the character breakdown below, we as a team chose to use identity-first language to follow in the footsteps of autistic self-advocates. If you would like us to utilize person-first or any other terminology about your identity in communications, please let us know and you can expect the utmost respect of your personal identity preferences.
Lastly, in addition to the autistic roles in our show, there are several neurotypical roles. Autistic and neurodivergent actors are welcome and encouraged to audition/submit for neurotypical roles or autistic roles should they wish. If you are unsure of whether or not you should submit for the autistic roles, please consult and/or reach out to us with any questions or concerns.
[DR. EMILIO AMIGO] 50s, he/him, high baritone, Cuban-American. A clinical psychologist, founder and director of Amigo Family Counseling, great at his job, charismatic, full of empathy, recently divorced, at a crossroads.
[DREW] This role is cast. 18, he/him, mid to high tenor, autistic. He needs structure, a bit formal, knows a lot about electricity and electrical grids, is looking for deeper connections in life – possibly romantic, on track to go to his dream college.
[MARIDETH] This role is cast. 18, she/her, alto with a strong mix, autistic. Raised by a single dad, loves to research facts, hates shoelaces, doesn’t like to be touched, is anxious in new social settings.
[CAROLINE] This role is cast. 19, she/her, soprano with a strong mix, autistic. Perky and positive, goes to community college, is best friends with Jessica but is obsessed with her boyfriend.
[JESSICA] This role is cast. 20, she/her, full-voiced mezzo soprano, autistic. Wants to live on her own, loves fantasy but is surprisingly practical, has a flair for drama.
[MEL] This role is cast. 24, she/he/they, earthy alto, autistic. The oldest member of the group, a seeker into self-help and mindfulness, a natural leader, works at a pet shop.
[REMY] This role is cast. 18+ to play 16, he/she/they, mid to high tenor, autistic. Into cos-play, makes How-To costume and makeup tutorial videos online.
[TOMMY] This role is cast. 22, he/him, mid to high baritone, autistic. Funny, self-conscious, studying to get his driver’s license.
[ASHLEY AMIGO] 22, she/her, mezzo-soprano with a strong mix, Cuban-American. Amigo’s daughter, a dancer recovering from an injury, at a crossroads.