First Stage 2023-24 Season - Milwaukee EPA First Stage Milwaukee, Incorporated | Milwaukee, WI
Notice: Audition Call Type: EPA
Monday, April 3, 2023
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM (C)
No break scheduled.
Please schedule an appointment by reaching out to Jeff Frank, 414-267-2981,, Monday through Friday 9-5
$574 weekly minimum
Equity actors for roles in First Stage 2023-24 Season (see breakdown).
Please prepare 3 minutes total. Please prepare a monologue and a song (if you would llike to be considered for a musical.)
Milwaukee Youth Arts Center
325 W. Walnut Street
Milwaukee, WI 53212
Limited parking available in lot. Street parking available.
See production specific personnel in breakdown.
See production specific dates in breakdown.
A NOTE from First Stage and our Belonging, Equity, Access and Diversity (BEAD) Committee:
At First Stage we recognize that our audiences connect more deeply with our work when they see themselves on stage. To that end, we will list race/ethnicity/ability when specific to the character and/or story but are otherwise seeking all races, ethnicities and abilities. Additionally, while most characters we currently encounter in scripts are written with binary pronouns (he/him or she/her), our casting
An Equity Monitor will not be provided. The producer will run all aspects of this audition.
Equity’s contracts prohibit discrimination. Equity is committed to diversity and encourages all its employers to engage in a policy of equal employment opportunity designed to promote a positive model of inclusion. As such, Equity encourages performers of all ethnicities, gender identities, and ages, as well as performers with disabilities, to attend every audition.
Always bring your Equity Membership card to auditions.
Equity encourages everyone participating in the auditions to wear a two-ply cloth face mask, surgical mask, singer’s mask or respirator (N95, KN95 or KF94). Single-ply face masks, gaiters and bandanas are not recommended. Singer’s masks can be found at
Equity encourages members to prepare for their audition prior to arriving at the audition venue, to the extent that they can (e.g., get dressed, hair/make-up, etc.) to avoid crowding in bathrooms and dressing rooms.
Holding/Audition room information:
The audition room can accommodate no more than 15 individuals at a time.
The holding room can accommodate no more than 20 individuals at a time.
A NOTE from First Stage and our Belonging, Equity, Access and Diversity (BEAD) Committee: At First Stage we recognize that our audiences connect more deeply with our work when they see themselves on stage. To that end, we will list race/ethnicity/ability when specific to the character and/or story but are otherwise seeking all races, ethnicities and abilities. Additionally, while most characters we currently encounter in scripts are written with binary pronouns (he/him or she/her), our casting seeks to be as inclusive as possible. We invite gender non-conforming, genderqueer, transgender, and non-binary actors to submit for the roles which they most interest them. (adopted from language originally created by Kevin Kantor and Emily Trarquin of Actors Theatre of Louisville)
Based on the books and life of Donald Driver
Adapted by Gloria Bond Clunie
Directed by Dimonte Henning
Rehearsal Dates:
Sept. 9 – Oct. 5,
Wednesday through Friday 4-8:30pm, Saturday 12:30-4 or 5-8:30, Sunday 10-1:30 or 2:30-6 Performance Dates:
Oct. 6 through Oct. 29 plus potential for added performances through Nov. 5
Daddy (Donald): a new dad! Male. Football Champion late 20s/early 30s. Black. Quickie as an adult. Also, may double as Coach Martin - Tough coach, but a strong motivator.
Quickie’s Mom/Mama/Ms. Faye: Black. Female. late 20s, early 30s. Plays Donald’s Mom, Quickie’s Mom and Ms. Faye – one of Donald’s teachers at school.
Mr. Peters/Donald’s Dad – Black. 60s. Male. The patriarch of the neighborhood. A wise soul, quick to offer advice and support. A fan of the local football team. Also, may double as Coach Martin - Tough coach, but a strong motivator.
Adapted by Idris Goodwin
Directed by Jon Royal
Rehearsal Dates:
Sept. 23 – Oct. 19
Wednesday through Friday 4-8:30pm, Saturday 12:30-4 or 5-8:30, Sunday 10-1:30 or 2:30-6 Performance Date:
Oct. 20 – Nov. 12 with a potential extension through Nov. 19
DADDY also MR. HAMMOND and CAMERAMAN: Black 30s/40s. Male. Nurturing and supportive, but busy with work and their youngest child.
MAMA also SAMANTHA: Black 30s/40s. Female. Strong and clear with expectations
SUGA: Black. Female. 60s. One of the elders in the community. Prone to stories and superstitions. Seemingly irrational fear of the snow. Has suffered much loss and pain in her life.
Book by Joe Tracz
Music and lyrics Rob Rokicki
Adapted from the book The Lightning Thief by Rick Riordan
Directed by Jeff Frank
Choreographer TBD
Rehearsal Dates:
Jan. 3 – Feb. 2
Wednesday through Friday 4-8:30pm, Saturday 12:30-4 or 5-8:30, Sunday 10-1:30 or 2:30-6 Performance Dates:
Feb. 3 – Feb. 25, 2024 with a potential extension through Mar. 10, 2024
All roles open to all backgrounds and abilities. All roles require strong and versatile character creation and high-level singing and dancing.
MR. D, aka Dionysus, male 30s/40s - god of wine, snarky camp director/GABE UGLIANO, Percy's foul stepfather/ARES, god of war, rock star in leather pants/MINOTAUR, half-man half-bull/CHARON, ferryman to the Underworld.
LUKE, son of Hermes, male, late teens/early 20s cool camp counselor.
SALLY JACKSON, Percy’s hard-working mother. Female. 30s./MRS. DODDS, a Fury posing as a substitute algebra teacher/THE ORACLE, a hippie mummy/AUNTY EM, aka Medusa, avid sculptor/ CHIMERA
MR. BRUNNER aka CHIRON, wise centaur, part-time Latin teacher. Male. 30s/40s/POSEIDON, god of the sea, salty beach bum/HADES, god of the dead, aging rock star type/KRONOS, a voice in a pit/CYCLOPS/BUS DRIVER/UBER DRIVER
Book and Lyrics by Mo Willems
Music by Deborah Wicks La Puma
Directed by Michelle LoRicco
Choreographer TBD
Rehearsal Dates:
Jan. 27 – Feb. 22, 2024
Wednesday through Friday 4-8:30pm, Saturday 12:30-4 or 5-8:30, Sunday 10-1:30 or 2:30-6 Performance Dates:
Feb. 23 – Mar. 17 with a potential extension through Mar. 24
All roles open to all backgrounds and ages. Roles require strong singers and dancers. ELEPHANT: Male. Gerald is concerned, fretful. Wound a bit tight, but big-hearted. PIGGIE: Female. Freewheeling, up for anything. Optimist. Happy-go-lucky. Caring.
Rehearsal Dates:
Wednesday through Friday 4-8:30pm, Saturday 12:30-4 or 5-8:30, Sunday 10-1:30 or 2:30-6 Mar. 2 – April 5, 2024
Performance Dates:
April 6 – May 5, 2024 – potential extension through May 19
Directed by Jeff Frank
Rehearsal Dates:
Wednesday through Friday 4-8:30pm, Saturday 12:30-4 or 5-8:30, Sunday 10-1:30 or 2:30-6 April 6 – May 9
Performance Dates:
May 10 – June 2 potential extension through June 9
Ensemble: Any backgrounds and/or abilities. 1 male, 1 female to play an assortment of bold and committed, highly physical characters. Consummate, nimble performers prepared for wherever the audience takes them.