Call Type Equity Principal
Date of Audition 1/8/2012
Location Denver Center-Old Tramway Building 1050 13th Street Denver, CO Purple Studio
Time(s) Sunday, January 8th 1-8 PM
· A monitor will not be provided. The producer will run all aspects of this audition.
Appointments Jonathan D. Allsup, Managing Director 719-658-2540 x230 M-F 9-5 MST
Contract LOA $430/wk (LOA/LORT)
Seeking Male and female talent for the 2012 summer season. Please see breakdown.
Preparation 2 contrasting monolgues &16 bars of a song (accompanist provided, please bring sheet music) total audition not to exceed 5 minutes.
Other Dates Season Dates: May 15-September 22, 2012 The Drowsy Chaperone Mrs. Mannerly by J. Hatcher Is He Dead? a new comedy by Mark Twain adapted by David Ives Harry the Great by John DiAntonio Ghost Writer by Michael Hollinger
Personnel Jessica Jackson, CRT Associate Artistic Director Jonathan Allsup, CRT Managing Director & Production Stage Manager
The Drowsy Chaperson Janet van de Graaff, Female, 20's Robert Martin, Male, 20-30 George, Male, 20-30 The Drowsy Chaperone, Female, 40-50 Is He Dead? Millett, Male 20-30's, painter Harry the Great Sandow the Magnificent, Male, 20's, vaudeville strong man Mrs. Mannerly Jeffrey, Male, 30-50, plays multiple other characters male and female Ghost-Writer Myra, Female, Mid-30's to early 40's