A CHRISTMAS STORY – Photo / Resume Request
Arkansas Repertory Theatre Little Rock, AR LORT D; $555/week minimum + housing/trans.
Company Manager/Casting Associate: Peter Mensky
Playwright: Philip Grecian
From Jean Shepherd’s film, “A Christmas Story”
Director: Nicole Capri
1st rehearsal: 11/16/10. Runs: 12/3 – 12/26/10
NYC auditions will be held September 13 and 14 by appointment only.
For consideration, mail picture and resume to:
Peter Mensky, Co. Manager/ Casting Associate
Arkansas Repertory Theater
PO Box 110
Little Rock, AR 72203
Please indicate on the outside of the envelope:
“A CHRISTMAS STORY – NYC Appointments”
Ralphie as an adult. The storyteller/narrator of the play. Also plays: The Cowboy, The Christmas Tree Lot Owner, The Delivery Man, The Voice of the Neighbor and possibly Santa Claus.
The Old Man:
Ralphie’s father. 35 – 45 years old. A crusty, mid-western, middle-class, “white bread” business man in the 1940’s. All American, Oldsmobile driving, man of the house.
Ralphie’s mother. 35 – 45 years old. A model, loving and passive aggressive housewife and mother of two young boys in the 1940’s who wouldn’t hesitate to wash your mouth out with soap.
Miss Shields:
The archetypal school teacher of the 1940’s. Strict but loving, amused and amusing, armed with a red pen and all wrapped up in sensible shoes.