The exhibit runs November 12 to 25, 2022.
The Alberta Council for the Ukrainian Arts (ACUA) invites you to join in for Doors, a powerful new art installation displaying eight doors from Ukraine, designed to illustrate the stories of the millions of Ukrainians forced to close their doors and flee the war and terror caused by Russian soldiers. The exhibition will be on display from November 12 to 25, with an opening reception from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at ACUA, #100 10554 - 110 Street NW.
Doors is the work of contemporary artist Ruslan Kurt. His passion is creating interactive art installations that touch upon the concepts of time and connection. Doors includes both the physical installation and a short video Ruslan created to further explain the installation.
"I wanted to talk about the war in Ukraine using the power of art and draw a parallel with life as a door," says Ruslan. "Doors, like people, have their own stories." Ruslan will be present at the opening reception to speak about his work.
Doors will be on display at ACUA until November 25, 2022. For more information, please visit