This hilarious take on the Netflix show and the British Monarchy, plays for a limited time through October 30.
In just a few weeks, Netflix will have people streaming the newest season of "The Crown." The show has always been popular, but with the recent passing of Queen Elizabeth, it has had a resurgence leading up to season 5. So it's no surprise a parody of the show has popped up, and you have the chance to see it! "The Crown Live!" a parody by Daniel Clarkson, opened on October 25 as part of Prairie Meadows Temple Comedy Series with Des Moines Performing Arts.Whether you are a fan of the show, or this is your first time in the world of "The Crown," this show is a hilarious 80 minutes that you won't want to miss.
As you enter the theatre, you are greeted with a playlist of songs featuring the word queen or royal. This is a hint of some of the cheeky humor that is to come. As the show starts, we meet Stanley Diamond, who happens to be an agent to one person, Beth. We find out she made an audition tape for the role of Queen Elizabeth in "The Crown," but the audience soon finds out that her agent may not have sent in the video. So since they get a new woman to play the queen every two seasons, she has come to the states to meet the owner of Netflix. She is led to believe he is in the audience for her audition for the role of Queen Elizabeth in season 5 of "The Crown."
Before we talk about the two actors that take to the stage in this show, we need to discuss the show from the technical side. The set consisted of a wooden lawn chair and pillow for the queen's throne, with a coat stand and vanity on the side. This plays perfectly on the small stage at the Temple Theatre. The set designed by Lee Newby mixes well with the costumes that appear on stage throughout the evening. As we switch from scene to scene and character to character, minor changes to the set or costumes, guides the audience through all four seasons, including some fun nods to those who have binged shows on Netflix.
The show consists of Two Actors, Brendan Murphy as Stanley Diamond and Elizabeth Arends as Beth. Murphy and Arends do a terrific job playing off each other through the night, leaving the audience in stitches. They both do an excellent job transitioning from character to character as they bring the entire royal family to the stage. It's a joy to watch as some of their changes are small but distinctive as they switch from character to character. There are also a few moments in the show where they use a few audience members, including the "Netflix executive."
If you are looking for a relaxing evening where you can sit back and relax, I highly recommend heading down to the Temple Theatre to see "The Crown Live!" Whether you are familiar with the show, the British Monarchy, or need a good laugh, this is the show for you. The show is here for a limited time through October 30. Please head to the link below to find out more about the show or purchase tickets.