The Des Moines Community Playhouse production of James and the Giant Peach comes to life in the Kate Goldman Children's Theatre, Jan. 3-19, 2020. Tickets may be purchased online at, by phone at 515-277-6261, or at the Playhouse ticket office, 831 42nd St. James and the Giant Peach is sponsored by Nationwide.
A magical peach! An imprisoned boy! Giant talking insects! The incredible tale of James Henry Trotter will fulfill the fantasy of anyone who has ever dreamed of escaping to a new and exciting world. Roald Dahl's story comes hilariously to life in this delightful dramatization that reveals the wickedness of some, the goodness of others, and the indecision encountered by many when they are faced with crises. James and the Giant Peach is high adventure for the whole family! The Playhouse cast, under the direction of Nicholas Amundson, includes Samantha Beard, Michael Bundy II, Ben Clark, Silas Erwin, Taylor Gloden, Fisher Grove, Julie Howland, Gbomi Kayode, Carson Klein, Andrew Lee, Kerrie Lee, Kristina Linnane, Erin Morris, Aaron Price, Nash Roe, Mia Scholl, Rachel Talley, and Oscar Tjeerdsma.Videos