The Des Moines Playhouse presents "The Princess and the Pea," Friday, Oct. 2. This story is the first in the 2015-16 season of Friday Funday, a creative participatory story theatre program for children ages 4-6. Performances are at the Playhouse, Friday, Oct. 2, at 9:30 AM, 10:45 AM, and 1:30 PM. Shows are approximately 45 minutes in length. Tickets are $6 per person, adults and children, and seating is reserved. Reservations are suggested and can be made online at, by phone at 515-277-6261, and at the Playhouse ticket office. Guests can purchase season tickets -- one ticket to each of the eight shows -- for just $42.
October's featured story is "The Princess and the Pea." How do we know she's a real princess? Only a true princess would be able to feel a pea placed under a stack of 20 mattresses. Will the Princess pass the test?
Friday Funday performances are held monthly, October-May. The new season features a variety of stories, including "The Princess and the Pea," Oct. 2; "The Emperor's New Clothes," Nov. 13; "The Little Engine That Could," Dec. 11; "The Snow Queen," Jan. 15, 2016; "The Mitten," Feb. 12, 2016; "Rapunzel," Mar. 4, 2016; "The Brave Little Tailor," Apr. 8, 2016; and "The Boy Who Cried Wolf," May 13, 2016.
The Playhouse is Iowa's oldest and largest producing theatre. Located at the 42nd Street exit of I-235, the theatre has presented a full season of shows since 1919 and also offers a wide variety of educational experiences including classes for ages 4 to adult, theatre trips to New York, and volunteer opportunities onstage and backstage.
For more information on Friday Funday and other Playhouse educational offerings, contact the Playhouse education department at 515-974-5365. For tickets to Friday Funday, contact the Playhouse ticket office at 515-277-6261.