The Des Moines Community Playhouse presents "Charlotte's Web," today, May 1-17. Due to early demand for tickets, the Playhouse has added three shows: 4:00 PM, Saturday, May 2; 4:00 PM, Saturday, May 16; and 4:00 PM, Sunday, May 17. Tickets for all performances may be purchased online at, by phone at 515-277-6261, or at the Playhouse ticket office, 831 42nd St. "Charlotte's Web" is sponsored by Fareway Stores.
Based on the best selling children's book by E.B. White, "Charlotte's Web" tells a touching story about friendship and love. When Wilbur (Will Donaghy), a runty, but goodhearted young pig, finds out he's on course to meet the butcher, his friends in the barn come to his rescue: Templeton (Douglas Cochrane), the gluttonous rat who can occasionally be talked into a good deed, and of course, the extraordinary spider, Charlotte (Annie Mielke) who proves to be "a true friend and a good writer."
The Playhouse cast is directed by Anne Arthur Frett. The cast includes Cheryl Clark, Jason Crowley, Caitlyn Dean, Katie Dorrell, Darren Grote, Natalie Grote, Isaac Helton, Jay Helton, Josiah Howland, Julie Howland, Michael Howland, Sierra Howland, Jaxon Koehler, Tess Meggison, Julia Polson, Sophie Ruddy, Lisa Wiggins, Mary Ann Wilkerson, and Molly Wilkerson.
The Playhouse is Iowa's oldest and largest producing theatre. Located at the 42nd Street exit of I-235, the theatre has presented a full season of shows since 1919 and also offers a wide variety of educational experiences including classes for ages 4 to adult, theatre trips to New York, and volunteer opportunities onstage and backstage.
For more information about the Playhouse and "Charlotte's Web," contact the Playhouse ticket office at 515-277-6261.