City Circle Acting Company of Coralville is partnering with several local businesses to stage a clothing drive and auction to benefit the Domestic Violence Intervention Program (DVIP).
The DVIP provides support and advocacy to victims, many of whom are women in need of clothing to where to job interviews, work, or court appearances. Having access to quality professional clothing helps these women present a positive appearance and gain confidence as they rebuild their lives.
City Circle is holding the clothing drive and auction in tandem with its production of Nora and Delia Ephron's Love, Loss, and What I Wore, which runs Feb. 14-16 at the Coralville Center for the Performing Arts. Tickets for the show are $12 to $27 and are available online at, by phone at 319-248-9370, or in person at the CCPA box office.
"City Circle was inspired by the stories told within Love, Loss and What I Wore to partner with the DVIP to raise awareness about the victims and survivors of domestic violence and the meaningful work of the DVIP," says Emil Rinderspacher, Chair of City Circle Board of Directors.
Based on the best seller by Ilene Beckerman as well as the recollections of the Ephrons' friends, the show uses clothing and accessories and the memories they trigger to tell funny and often poignant stories that all women can relate to: mothers, prom dresses, mothers, buying bras, mothers, hating purses, and why we only wear black. Nine local businesses donated designer dresses, which the actresses will wear in the show, and the dresses will be auctioned off after the final production Feb. 16. All proceeds from the online auction will go to the DVIP.
Donations of gently worn professional clothing and accessories will be accepted at the Coralville Center for the Performing Arts during the performances or at Catherine's Boutique (7 S. Dubuque St., Iowa City) during regular business hours Feb. 10-22.
Catherine Champion, owner of Catherine's, donated two dresses to the show and her shop is serving as a drop off location for the clothing drive. "We are big supporters of City Circle and the DVIP and the work they do. Please donate to this wonderful cause," Champion says.
Other local businesses donating dresses for the production and auction are: Dress Barn, Domby, Dulcinea, Francesca's, JC Penney, Revival, Textiles, and Velvet Coat.
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