In a magical kingdom beneath the sea, the beautiful young mermaid Ariel longs to leave her ocean home to live in the human world above. Ariel falls for a handsome human prince and agrees to a dangerous bargain with a powerful sea witch in exchange for legs and a chance to live on land. The musical adaptation of Disney's 1989 film includes popular songs like "Part of Your World" and "Under the Sea". This classical love story captivates audiences of all ages.
Dear Evan Hansen (Non-Equity)
Lincoln Center (1/24 - 1/26) | ||
Stories on Stage presents “Big Fat Liars”
Su Teatro (1/12 - 1/12) | ||
Moulin Rouge!
Buell Theatre- Denver Center for the Performing Arts (8/5 - 8/10) | ||
Pikes Peak Center [El Pomar Great Hall] (3/24 - 3/26) | ||
John Proctor is the Villain by Kimberly Bellflower
Loft Theatre, University Theatre Building (2/21 - 3/2) | ||
Dear Evan Hansen (Non-Equity)
Memorial Hall (1/22 - 1/22) | ||
The Fab Four: USA Meets The Beatles! A 60th Anniversary Concert in Grand Junction
Avalon Theatre (1/5 - 1/5) | ||
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