Plays In Progress is a unique program fostering new works by women playwrights.
Plays In Progress is a unique program fostering new works by women playwrights.
Over 300 plays were submitted from across the country. The Plays In Progress Series is designed to give playwrights and audiences an opportunity to interact with work as it is being created. This year we highlight five playwrights. Their work will be presented as virtual table reads.
Athena Project's annual Plays In Progress Series returns June 5th and 6th as a series of virtual table readings and panels featuring incredible playwrights, directors, dramaturgs and actors from across the country. The PIP Series seeks to uplift the voices of women* artists while enriching patrons' understanding of the new play development process.
Patrons are able to select from two ticketing options. A Series Pass grants ticket holders access to all readings, talkbacks, and the Submitting to PIP Q & A conversation. A Backstage Pass grants ticket holders access to the full PIP Series like never before, admitting patrons to all readings and talkbacks, both the Submitting to PIP Q & A conversation and the How Industry Insiders Read a Play Panel, a future Athena Project Read & Rant event featuring one of the Series plays, attendance at an open rehearsal, and some special behind-the-scenes surprises.
Full schedule is available on Athena Project's website:
All events will be held virtually via Zoom Webinar. The Series Pass is available to the General Public for $15. The Backstage Pass is available to the General Public for $25. Entertainers and theatre artists who have been financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic can buy the Backstage Pass at a discounted industry rate of "pay what you can!"
Since Plays In Progress Series' inception we have introduced 7 World Premieres and workshopped over 50 plays. Five have gone on to be fully produced by other theatres across the U.S.