Join Theater Company of Lafayette for a musical celebration of womanhood! Comedic and poignant, "A...My Name Will Always Be Alice" presents 25 songs and vignettes examining friendships, relationships, motherhood, marriage, widowhood, sisterhood, and sexual longings. The production runs August 16-September 7.
With music ranging from gospel to country to rock to glorious pop ballads, this high-spirited musical is a combination of the 1984 award-winning Off-Broadway "A...My Name is Alice" and the 1992 sequel "A...My Name is Still Alice."
The revue evokes a wonderful overview of women's lives across two tumultuous decades, as told by some of today's funniest and best writers including Marta Kauffman and David Crane ("Friends"), Amanda McBroom ("The Rose"), Douglas Bernstein and Denis Markell ("Showing Off"), Mark Saltzman and Stephen Lawrence ("Sesame Street"), and many more.
"This show pulls at every emotion. Sometimes you want to cry, sometimes you squirm, sometimes you rejoice and sometimes you can't stop laughing, says director Kirsten Jorgensen Smith. "It gives us a chance to laugh at ourselves and embrace life's diversity. It's really what being a woman is all about."
Note: Rated PG. Some content may be inappropriate for children.
Photo Credit: Kirsten Jorgensen Smith