The Moth is one-night only at Paramount Theatre tonight, September 30 at 7:30 PM.
Tickets are priced at $25.00, $45.00 and a limited number of VIP seats are available for $65.00 which includes a meet and greet with the storytellers. Tickets can be purchased at or by phone at 303-893-TIXS (303-893-8497).
The Moth is an acclaimed not-for-profit organization dedicated to the art and craft of storytelling and its flagship program, The Moth Mainstage, features stories by luminaries in the arts and sciences, newsmakers and news breakers, and everyday heroes (and even a few reformed villains). Each show features five storytellers who develop and shape their stories with The Moth's directors. Beyond a mere theatrical experience, The Moth is a community where entertainment, enlightenment and festivity merge.
The Moth has presented more than three thousand stories, told live and without notes, to standing- room-only crowds worldwide. The Moth podcast is downloaded more than 20 million times a year, and the Award-winning The Moth Radio Hour, airs weekly on over 300 radio stations across North America. The national bestseller, The Moth: 50 True Stories, is available now.