The Emerging Filmmakers Project (EFP) is a monthly event held at The Bug Theatre the third Thursday of every month at 8:00 PM. Thursday, February 15, 2018 will be a special EFP to honor local actress, Stacy Farrar, who passed away in May of 2017. Tickets are $5 at the door. 3654 Navajo Street in Denver. Doors open at 7:30 PM and the screening begins at 8:00 PM.
About the Emerging Filmmakers Project: Since 2002, the Emerging Filmmakers Project has been showcasing the best of Denver's indie film scene. Held the third Thursday of every month and hosted by local filmmaker Patrick Sheridan, the EFP is a great place to screen work, network with other creatives in town and to support fellow indie filmmakers. A spirited talkback with each filmmaker follows their movie, where the audience has an opportunity to ask questions of the filmmaker and to provide feedback on their work.
About Stacy Farrar: Stacy Farrar was born in Southern California but grew up in Colorado. She was drawn to the performing arts at an early age, but chose to pursue other interests in college. She received a B.A. in Physics and an M.S. in Geological Sciences from the University of Colorado in Boulder, CO. After working for more than a decade as an aerospace engineer with Ball Aerospace, she decided to pursue a career in acting. In 2012, she and her husband welcomed their only child, Ian. Stacy has been described as "Strength and intelligence with a soft underbelly of tenderness and wry humor."
On May 20, 2017 police found Farrar and her son had been tragically murdered by her husband, who then shot himself, according to the Longmont Times-Call. Now, nearly one year later, the film community is still mourning the loss of the energetic and talented actress. Offers Henry Cavalier, Director of Collision, "This month as we celebrate Valentine's Day with those we love EFP wants to reflect and celebrate the acting and filmmaking contributions of someone we lost tragically in 2017 - Stacy Farrar. Please join us as we dedicate a portion of our programming lineup to the work of Stacy Farrar."
The lineup for this month's event includes the following short films and segments, all of which feature Farrar:
New material from Rage of the Mummy by Dennis Vincent
Collision, by Henry Cavalier
Homecoming, by David Hardin
Compliant, by Tyler Scheddel
Smoke Signals, by Bren Johnson
Additional shorts by Patrick Sheridan
(Lineup subject to change)
The Emerging Filmmakers Project
And The Bug Theatre Present:
February EFP: A Tribute to Stacy Farrar
February 15, 2018
Doors at 7:30 PM
Screening at 8:00 PM
$5 at the door, includes beer (21+)