Theatre Threads is a fashion show and luncheon hosted by the Denver Center Alliance, featuring costumes from the Denver Center Theatre Company (DCTC) stage productions. Costumes will be modeled by some of Denver's philanthropic leaders. Proceeds to benefit DCTC and its Education Program.
The models in the program include Jeremy Anderson, Jamie Angelich, Fiona Baldwin, Murri Bishop, Keri Christiansen, Sharon Cooper, BJ Dyer, Terri Fisher, Adrienne Ruston Fitzgibbons, Alice Foster, Roger Hutson, Carmel Koeltzow, Gayle Novak, Stacy Ohlsson, Loretta Robinson, Jackie Rotole, Robyn Taylor, Judi Wolf.This year, the event will be happening on October 23rd from 11:30 AM to 1 PM in the Seawell Grand Ballroom. Tickets for the event are $100 ($50 is tax deductible). To order tickets, call 303-406-4815 or go online at For more information, visit the website, facebook, or twitter.