"On Golden Pond," written by Ernest Thompson and directed by Ashlee Temple, is the seventh annual summer theater fundraiser for Senior Housing Options (SHO), a non-profit organization providing quality affordable housing and services for 500 adults in Colorado. The production is SHO's major -- and only -- annual fundraiser and builds on the success of past runs such as "Steel Magnolias" (2013), and "Driving Miss Daisy" (2012).
Our all-star cast and crew is led by director Ashlee Temple who is now in her third season directing SHO's summer productions. We are also thrilled to welcome well-known actor Larry Hecht, a veteran of the DCPA and three SHO plays, and award-winning former Broadway actor and SHO favorite, Billie McBride, as Norman and Ethel Thayer. Rounding out the cast are Tara Falk as Chelsea; Drew Horwitz as Billie Ray Sr.; Shem Brown as Billie Ray Jr.; and John Fortmiller as Charlie.
The loons are back again on Golden Pond and so are Norman Thayer, a retired professor, and his loving wife Ethel, who have had a summer cottage there since early in their marriage. This summer their middle-aged, divorced daughter Chelsea -- who they haven't seen for years -- feels she must be there for Norman's 80th birthday. She and her new fiancé go off to Europe, leaving his teenage son behind for the summer. He quickly becomes the "grandchild" Norman and Ethel have longed for, forming a bond with Norman that Chelsea never had, and stirring up old resentments upon her return.
The play, as author Ernest Thompson notes, follows "one family's struggles with what we all struggle with-age, rage, regret, love withheld, love unspoken, disappointment and, ultimately if we're lucky, forgiveness, acceptance and renewal," and is not to be missed!
"On Golden Pond" performs in the historic lobby of The Barth Hotel (1514 17th St.) in the heart of downtown Denver. The Barth is one of SHO's 14 residences and is home to 62 elderly and disabled adults. The play opens Thursday, July 31 and runs every Thursday, Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. through August 30. (Exception: there will be no Thursday show on August 14.) Tickets are $25 for general admission and $35 for preferred seating. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit www.seniorhousingoptions.org or call 303-595-4464 x10.