Robert Dubac's newest Off-Broadway solo hit, The Book of Moron, has been described as one of the most Hilarious, Intelligent and Scorching satirical attacks on idiocracy since Mark Twain.
The Book of Moron is a fast-paced, hilarious production that combines satire and theater. In The Book of Moron Dubac portrays, "Robert," an everyman who has lost sight of the bigger picture. He's been bombarded by so much hype and spin that he can't remember who he is or what he believes. Does he have a purpose? Can he think for himself? Is the truth in the details or in the pudding? He hasn't a clue. He racks his brain searching for answers but only finds voices. It's all for one and one for all as Robert's inner voices take him on a freight train of provocative thought to find the bigger picture and wake up from the coma of modern day life.
Robert Dubac belongs to a unique breed of humorists, like Lily Tomlin and Mark Twain. He creates characters that boggle our minds with biting wit & rapid-fire satire while simultaneously crafting a simple story that binds us all together. His ability to combine the raucous laughter of stand-up comedy with the startling thrill of live theater continues to fill seats everywhere.
If you are yearning for some satire that cuts with a clever intelligent edge, then buckle them up for a hilarious joy ride over the pot-holed highways of cultural hypocrisy with Robert Dubac's The Book of Moron! It's comedy on steroids. Think your funny bone can handle it?
Comedy Works is pleased to announce that Robert Dubac's The Book of Moron is coming to Comedy Works South at the Landmark: Sunday, July 22 | 7:00 PM | $49.00 *$24.50 W/Promo Code*. Advance tickets are available. Visit or call 720-274-6800.
*Give your audience a special offer. Tell them to purchase tickets online at and enter the promo code "WITTY" at check-out to receive 50% off the regular ticket price.worksfans