A crush can make anyone feel young again - even a widower named Ralph. On an ordinary day in a routine life, Ralph decides to take a different path on his daily walk...one that leads him to an unexpected second chance at love. Relying on a renewed boyish charm, Ralph attempts to woo the elegant, but distant, Carol. Defying Carol's reticence - and his lonely sister's jealousy - Ralph embarks on the trip of a lifetime, and regains a happiness that seemed all but lost. The Last Romance is a heart-warming comedy about the transformational power of love.
Cherry Creek Theatre Company presents "The Last Romance" October 7 through 30 at the Shaver-Ramsey Showroom, 2414 East 3rd Ave. BroadwayWorld has a first look at the cast in action below!
The stellar cast includes Joey Wishnia as Ralph Belini, Martha Harmon Pardee as Carol Reynolds, Deb Curtis as Rose Tagliantelle and Jeremy Rill as Young Man.
Performances are Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m. and Sundays at 6:30 p.m. Single tickets are $35; $30 for seniors/students by calling 303-800-6578 or online at www.cherrycreektheatre.org.
Photo Credit: BK Studio
Martha Harmon Pardee and Joey Wishnia
Martha Harmon Pardee and Joey Wishnia
Martha Harmon Pardee and Joey Wishnia
Martha Harmon Pardee and Joey Wishnia