The show follows a group of nuns and priests after a cooking accident kills the majority of the order.
Wesley Players Theatre Company is helping to bring live theatre back to the state of Colorado. Nunsense: The Mega Musical runs from April 30th-May 2nd at St. Luke's United Methodist Church in Highlands Ranch, Colorado.
The theatre company that has been around for twenty-one years is based out of Highlands Ranch. The show will be taking place outside. The audience will also be required to wear masks and socially distance between other audience members.
The company will follow COVID-19 guidelines. The cast will be fully vaccinated by the time of performances and will be wearing masks during the show with the exception of a few solo numbers. A minimum of two tickets must be purchased, due to COVID-19 distancing. guidelines. Tickets are $12 for students and seniors and $15 for adults and can be purchased on their website,
Wesley Players has been working to put on a full-length musical, tiltled, Nunsense: The Mega Musical. The show follows a group of nuns and priests after a cooking accident kills the majority of the order due to botulism, they put on a show to raise money to bury the last of the dead sisters.
Wesley Players Theatre Company is an independent, community theatre group in residence at St. Luke's United Methodist Church that brings together people of all ages and experience levels, from within the church and from the wider community, to perform drama productions and musicals.
We celebrate our core values of encouraging diversity, creativity and community in every production, providing audiences with theatre experiences that inspire and entertain.