"The Emperor's New Clothes" runs through August 31, 2013 with performances every Saturday at 1:30 PM. Tickets: $8.00 for children and adults, $7.00 for seniors (62 and up). Special rates for groups of ten or more children apply. Weekday performances are available, but vary, so call for information. For reservations, call 303-279-7800. Heritage Square Music Hall Children's Theatre is located at 18301 W. Colfax D-103, Golden, CO 80401. More information at www.hsmusichall.com
The Music Hall is well into its final season, our final performance will be December 31, 2013. For the past twenty-five years, we have been providing quality entertainment for the entire family. We want to thank all of the wonderful people who have visited us over the years, and we hope to see you during our final season to personally thank you for your support.
The Music Hall Children's Theatre opened twenty-two years ago with a mission to bring laughter and fun to the theatre experience for children. Mission accomplished! In every bit of action on stage, every bit of interaction with the audience (before, during and after the show), this award-winning theatre truly brings the audience into the story.
The Music Hall's performers treat our younger guests to interactive entertainment each Saturday at 1:30 (& 3:00 in November & December), with a fun-packed hour of original plays based on favorite fairy tales, classic stories and original tales. Children from the audience are called on stage to help with each performance. Each play is written to include as many children as possible. Flash photography is allowed, so bring your camera to capture those special moments on stage.
Come see what all the fuss is about, and start a new family tradition!
"The Emperor's New Clothes"
The Emperor cares more about his clothes than his people, and that's just not right!
It's up to you to help him get his priorities straight. Join us for the fun!
Through August 31, 2013
Saturday at 1:30 PM
Tickets: $8.00 for children and adults, $7.00 for seniors (62 and up).
Groups rates and weekday performances available
Heritage Square Music Hall Children's Theatre
18301 W. Colfax D-103, Golden, CO 80401.
Info at www.hsmusichall.com