Daily Camera and Z2 Entertainment will present HAPA to the Boulder Theater on Wednesday, April 10th, 2013. Tickets will go on sale to the public on Friday, January 25th, 2012 at 10:00 am for $20 general admission, $25 reserved & $35 gold circle.
Like the Hawaiian Islands themselves, HAPA's Pan-Polynesian music is an amalgam of infuences ranging from ancient genealogical chants to the strummed ballads of Portuguese fisherman, Spanish cowboys, and the inspired melodies and harmonies of the traditional church choirs of the early missionaries. Add to this a dose of American acoustic folk/rock, and you have what has been described as the "most exciting and beautiful contemporary Hawaiian music the world knows!" (Maui Times).
These disparate ingredients blended together musically in the Pacific emotes the unique flavor of what Hawaii and HAPA music is: "beautiful, fragile, spiritual, powerful" (L.A. Times).Videos