Goodness Gracious! Productions presents "It's A Wonderful Life: A Radio Play" by Joe Landry, produced by special arrangement with Playscripts, Inc. ( and directed by Barbara Porreca.
This beloved American holiday classic comes to captivating life as a live 1940s radio broadcast. With the help of an ensemble that brings a few dozen characters to the stage, the story of idealistic George Bailey unfolds as he considers ending his life one fateful Christmas Eve.
A unique feature of this production is the interactive pre-show, creating a "red carpet" experience with cast members portraying reporters, photographers, the radio stars and other fun characters all based on a 1940s gala event. For a minimal fee, patrons can order personalized message delivery to their special guests, all delivered by hand by the pre-show characters.
The show opens November 23 and runs weekends through December 23 at the Sherman Street Events Center, 1770 Sherman Street in downtown Denver. Evening shows run Fridays and Saturdays at 8:00 pm, with an interactive pre-show beginning at 7:30. Matinees run on Saturdays and Sundays at 3:00 pm with an interactive pre-show beginning at 2:30. Tickets are $25.00. Discounts are available for seniors, students, military and groups of 10 or more. Tickets can be purchased online at beginning November 1 or by calling 303.968.4157.