Deva Premal & Miten with Manose invite you to experience the power of mantra when they bring their SOUL OF MANTRA-LIVE! Tour to 14 cities in the USA and Canada, May 2018.
They will stop at the Boulder Theater on May 2, 2018. Doors: 6:30 pm | Show: 7:30 pm. Tickets on sale now at - $35.00-$98.00, reserved seats, plus applicable service charges.
The trio has traveled the world for 12 years, uplifting thousands with Deva's soulful renditions of ancient Sanskrit chants, Miten's inspirational songs and Manose's sacred flute. Their concerts have a reputation for being life-transformative. The voices, the music, and the communal chanting invoke a shamanic meeting of body, mind and spirit.
Miten: "We don't see our concerts as 'performances'. The music is there to open a doorway into meditation and the mantras are the wings on which we travel. It's a wild ride! Together, we are mysteriously carried beyond our day-to-day concerns into an inner state of bliss and ecstatic silence."
Deva: "In Sanskrit, 'man' means mind and 'tra' means to be free from, so 'mantra' is literally a release from the chattering mind. This has been the essence of my journey with music and meditation."
Miten: "Mantras are such a powerful force and the music we create reflects that power. We've seen so many people - Deva and I included -become spiritually reconnected as a result of chanting them. Personally, the dusty cobwebs and darker corners of my life have been washed clean by mantras."
The SOUL OF MANTRA - LIVE! tour is augmented by Canadian Joby Baker on bass, vocals and keyboards and Danish percussionist, Rishi. Together, this gifted ensemble serves as a musical bridge between the noisy world and meditation.
Deva: "This planet is definitely shaking and trembling right now. It is an amazing moment to be alive because it has become very clear that we cannot expect peace to be delivered from the outside - we have to find it within. For me, the mantras are a gateway into peace - and it is my honor to share them."
With a large, faithful and constantly expanding audience - from New York to Moscow, from Paris and London to Buenos Aires and L.A, Deva Premal & Miten show us, year after year, that in the communal spirit of music, song and mantras, humanity is truly able to unite.
For more information, visit