Creede is on the upswing. Spring is rapidly giving way to summer and we are counting down to the opening of CRT's 49th season! In 41 days time we'll be here: sweeping away winter's cobwebs and throwing wide the doors - ready to greet you in your favorite place. Where will you be? Come May 24: Creede tackles 8 shows in 2 theatres in 18 weeks!
Find the full calendar online at or purchase tickets by calling 719.658.2540.
Pants on Fire
May 24 at 1:30pm
The Ruth
Celebrate Memorial Day with your young ones at CRT. A totally made up musical for kids, Pants on Fire returns for the second year with an improv ensemble dedicated to building an hour-long improvised musical created from the ideas of kids in the audience! Parents say this about 'Pants':
This improvisational piece was well worth attending and the kids had a blast. We loved how the 5 actors involved the kids in the production and made it so fun and silly for them. My 5-year-old daughter was so excited to be able to contribute to the play and seeing the actors reaction when she suggested a "When-what-where-who" (from Dr. Seuss) as the animal used throughout the play!
It's your adventure. We just live in it.
26th Annual Taste of Creede Festival & Fireworks!
May 24 & 25
We are giddy with excitement thinking about Memorial Day weekend. Taste of Creede is a sure sign that summer is here. Each May, Creede hosts a variety of events including the opening of The National Small Print Show, cooking competitions and artist presentations on Main Street, children's activities, shopping and more! Artists, visitors, day-trippers - come to our mountain home and experience fine art, food, and live theatre! Contact the Creede and Mineral County Chamber of Commerce for more info.
CRT Ticket Passes and Packages
Flex Pass $126 (You save 10%)
Four tickets to use in any combination. Dates and seats can be selected at a later date for the ultimate in flexibility. Available for purchase until May 31st
NEW! 2014 Red Carpet Pass $400
Flash your pass and get unlimited access to all the CRT shows you love. Come whenever you want, as often as you want.
NEW! Boomtown Super Fan Pass $145
Guaranteed reserved seat at every Boomtown show, one free drink per show, and a sweet Boomtown pint glass!
3 and 5 Show Subscription Packages*
3 Show Package - $90 or less (15%)
5 Show Package - $140 0r less (20%)
*Must know your dates at time of purchase.