Following the critically acclaimed run of the hit musical Legally Blonde, at the Arvada Center is the third annual Teen Intensive presentation of the summer Main Stage show. This is the culmination of a five week camp for teens 13 – 18 years old, that encourages, challenges, and refines students at all levels as they come together to learn all the nuances of mounting a large scale musical. Performances are July 14 and 15th at 7:00 p.m. nightly. Tickets are $15 and can be purchased by calling 720-898-7200, online at or by visiting the Arvada Center box office at 6901 Wadsworth Boulevard in Arvada.
The Teen Intensive Camp involves working with the Arvada Center creative team - directors and choreographers in staging a production that includes intensive study in the areas of dance, music and acting. Students learn the entire production process in addition to the roles that they perform. This year's students also had the opportunity to hear firsthand about the acting process from many members of the Arvada Center's professional production. Legally Blonde's actors took time to meet with the camp teens in two sessions sharing their insight into the artistic process and pursuing a career in theater.
Legally Blonde and summer teen intensive director Gavin Mayer commented, "What I love about this process is that we are given this big, beautifully wrapped box that we get the opportunity to fit our show into. It's an incredible chance for our teen cast to work in a professional situation, on a professional set, with a professional crew and they really appreciate that fact. What's fun about working with this group is that they bring 150% to every rehearsal. They walk in every morning ready to work and put their all into every moment they're onstage."
"The Arvada Center Drama camps have been a vibrant part of our summer programming for almost 30 years. This is the 28th year we have offered a teen drama program and the fifth year of the Teen Intensive," said Arvada Center Education Coordinator, Lisa Leafgreen. "We are excited to partner with our Performing Arts department again this year and mount the same show as their summer musical. Our teen cast is very excited to be performing Legally Blonde this summer and the chance to perform in our Main Stage Theater using the same set, costumes, props, music and lighting design as the professional cast is the chance of a lifetime for these young actors."
In its 36-year history, the award winning Arvada Center for the Arts and Humanities has grown to become one of the nation's largest multidisciplinary arts centers, devoted to all aspects of the arts and generously supported in part by the City of Arvada and by the Scientific & Cultural Facilities District (SCFD). The Arvada Center is located at 6901 Wadsworth Blvd. and provides free parking for all its patrons. For more information go to or call 720-898-7200.
Photo credit: Matthew Gale Photography